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Topics for Environment Project:. Ozone Air Pollution Water Cycle Drought Floods Acid Rain Water Pollution.

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Presentation on theme: "Topics for Environment Project:. Ozone Air Pollution Water Cycle Drought Floods Acid Rain Water Pollution."— Presentation transcript:

1 Topics for Environment Project:

2 Ozone Air Pollution Water Cycle Drought Floods Acid Rain Water Pollution

3 El Nino Hurricane Tornado Tsunami Recycling International Space Station/ Future of Space Travel Space/ShuttleProgram

4 Volcanoes Earthquakes Landslides Wild Fires Coal Mining Oil and Gas Hydrofracking Nuclear Power Wind Power

5 Green Alternatives Recycling Solar Power Fuel Cell Vehicles Electric Vehicles Alternative Fuel Vehicles Hydropower Geothermal Biomass

6 -Avalanches -Buildings of the Future -Environmental Disasters

7 Green Energy

8 1st Generation Technologies: 1800’s Geothermal Biomass Hydropower

9 Geothermal Energy - -Heat generated and stored in the Earth (<1%)

10 The Geysers in the Mayacamas Mountains, California

11 Naturally-occurring steam fields Video

12 Biological material from living, or recently living organisms that is converted into energy, like electricity. (4% in 2010). Biomass

13 Energy Crops: Switchgrass

14 Corn Stalks

15 Sugarcane fields in Brazil

16 Sugarcane plant in Brazil, Producing electricity.

17 Clean Municipal and Industrial Wastes methane can be captured from landfills

18 Biomass: Controversial? Whole tree harvesting (use the entire tree). Removes nutrients from the soil?


20 It’s goal : “Ensure the ability of the Earth to nurture life in all its diversity." International: 3 million members

21 Hydropower = Energy From Moving Water

22 6% of renewable energy in USA is Hydropower: #1 source!


24 Hoover Dam:1942 (Nevada)


26 3 Gorges Dam in China= World’s largest hydropower plant

27 Second-generation technologies: Started in the 1970’s (energy crisis). Solar Wind Power

28 Solar Power: Convert sunlight to electricity Spain

29 CSP Systems: (Concentrating solar power) Use lenses/mirrors to focus a large area of sunlight into a small beam of sunlight. The heat is then converted to electricity.

30 Cresent Dunes project in Nevada: power up to 75,000 homes

31 SEGS : 9 sites in Mojave Desert, California: World’s Largest CSP Solar facility

32 Photovoltaic Solar Power A solar cell that converts light into electricity (Germany) video

33 Copper Mountain facility in Nevada


35 Wind Power: Electricity from moving air

36 Wind turbines in the ocean.


38 Wind Turbine: Switzerland

39 Roscoe Wind Farm, Texas = World’s largest (100,000 acres)

40 3 rd generation technologies:

41 Ocean Current Energy

42 Fuel Cell Vehicles Converts the chemical energy from a fuel (Hydrogen) into electricity.

43 Fuel Cell Bus: London, England

44 Fuel Cell Boat: Germany

45 Fuel Cell Car: Honeoye Falls (plant relocated to Michigan 2012)

46 Plug-in Hybrid (Prius) $32,000 95 mpg

47 $28,800 (2013) All electric Nissan Leaf

48 The Leaf actually costs $21,300! The government gives REBATES to people who purchase this vehicle!

49 Welcome to Buy Green, Save Green NYS High-Efficiency Appliance Rebates! If you are a resident of New York State, you can receive a cash rebate of $350 by purchasing an eligible CEE High Efficiency Tier 2 or 3 refrigerator, or $250 by purchasing an eligible CEE High Efficiency Tier 2 or 3 clothes washer!eligible Purchases must be made on or after March 19, 2012.

50 $3.5 million in rebates were offered. This money disappeared in 2 days!

51 Qualifying factors — Exterior windows and doors must have a U factor and SHGC equal to or less than 0.30. ENERGY STAR products qualify for this credit. Credit amount — Exterior windows and skylights, storm windows, exterior doors and storm doors : 30% of cost: 2009

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