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Poverty in the US. The Invisible Poor. Group 2. Anne 方炎青 20100206013 Cathy 郭佳蓝 20100206006 Colin 温朝发 20100206005 Snow 林凯雪 20100206025 Vanilla 陈春菲 20100206024.

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Presentation on theme: "Poverty in the US. The Invisible Poor. Group 2. Anne 方炎青 20100206013 Cathy 郭佳蓝 20100206006 Colin 温朝发 20100206005 Snow 林凯雪 20100206025 Vanilla 陈春菲 20100206024."— Presentation transcript:

1 Poverty in the US. The Invisible Poor. Group 2. Anne 方炎青 20100206013 Cathy 郭佳蓝 20100206006 Colin 温朝发 20100206005 Snow 林凯雪 20100206025 Vanilla 陈春菲 20100206024

2 Contents The current state of poverty in the US. Factors that may explain poverty in the US. Actions taken to fight against poverty in the US.

3 The United States ! rich POVERTY?

4 Slums and ghettos in the US.

5 PART 1

6 About 48.5 million people in the US. their respective poverty level.*poverty level * 2011 ACS (American Community Survey) had income below

7 The poverty threshold for a family group of four (total yearly income) in 2012 was set at $23,050 * *



10 PART 2

11 What factors lead to the POVERTY?

12  Education

13 Income has a high correlation with educational levels.

14  Unemployment

15 In 2007, the poverty rate was 21.5% for individuals who were unemployed, but only 2.5% for individuals who were employed full time Income levels vary with age.

16  Ethnicity

17 Income levels vary along racial/ethnic lines.

18  Nativeness

19 The poverty rate for native born and naturalized whites is identical (9.6%). On the other hand, the poverty rate for naturalized blacks is 11.8%, compared to 25.1% for native born blacks

20 PART 3

21 What has the US. government done to ease the situation.

22  Three principal programs

23  The minimum wage $7.25 /per hour Hunger in America: 2012 United States Hunger and Poverty Facts

24  The Earned Income Tax Credit  It is a mechanism through which, by filing a tax return, allowing people to keep more of what they earn.  It is designed to encourage and reward work. Hunger in America: 2012 United States Hunger and Poverty Facts

25  The Temporary Assistance to Needy Families The TANF program provides block grants to states to provide assistance to needy families.

26 Are you clearerclearer about poverty in the US?

27 U.S. Census Bureau, 2006–2011American Community Survey U.S. Census Bureau, 2011 American Community Survey, 2011 Puerto Rico Community Survey U.S. Census Bureau, 2010 and 2011 American Community Survey, 2010 and 2011 Puerto Rico Community Survey Hunger in America: 2012 United States Hunger and Poverty Fact References

28 Thank you.

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