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What will a personal online learning space mean for schools and for learners? Andy Tyerman, Head of Personalising Learning, Becta Robin Ball, Manager –

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Presentation on theme: "What will a personal online learning space mean for schools and for learners? Andy Tyerman, Head of Personalising Learning, Becta Robin Ball, Manager –"— Presentation transcript:

1 What will a personal online learning space mean for schools and for learners? Andy Tyerman, Head of Personalising Learning, Becta Robin Ball, Manager – Learning Services, Becta Pete Flaxman, Advanced Skills Teacher, Barking Abbey School Richard Gartland, Deputy Head, Chandlers Ridge Primary School BETT 08 Wednesday, 9 January 2008

2 Moving from access to use What benefits are effective users getting? What are the basics required? Provide access Start to use Effective user 2005 2008 2010

3 Pete Flaxman Barking Abbey School

4 Barking Abbey School Developing people and partnerships to enhance learning

5 The Context of Barking Abbey 1920 students 60% from minority ethnic communities One-third of our intake comes from the 12th most socio-economically deprived ward in England 8 th worst place to live (thanks Phil and Kirstie!) Specialist Sports and Humanities College ICT Excellence in Secondary Curriculum, 2007

6 Where we were Staff with no ICT skills AT ALL! Ofsted highlighted lack of ICT equipment for students Paper registers and reports Filing cabinets overflowing with resources 2002 5 A*-C: 54%

7 Structural and organisational changes can drive transformation No registration periods No tutor groups – all teachers are academic mentors Two-year Key Stage 3 Whole-school pedagogy team Flexible Alternative Curriculum at KS4 Staff training to use ICT equipment to high level of competence E-communication systems Interactive Website with e-portal for students and parents as well as staff

8 Just to keep us on our toes! BSF £41 million Split site 14 FE 3000 students 1000 in the Sixth Form ICT fundamental to the new school Students will lead the way in the ICT solutions for BSF – wireless and mobile technologies we know nothing about as yet

9 Just to keep us on our toes! A video clip is available – to watch this, please download the zip file from the web page

10 Student shared area

11 Multimedia Supports follow up work in the classroom (and revision) Embeds field work into the SoW Can be used as a “taster” before the trip Reduces impact of students missing trips Maintains, and raises, profile of field trips in geography

12 School Website

13 Online newsletter

14 Specialist Subject Sites

15 Pupil Blogs

16 Impact 2006 Y8 EN 68% MA 73% SC 69% 2006 Y9 EN 75% MA 79% SC 77% 2007 Y8 EN 80% MA 77% SC 77% 200360 200461 200555 200670 200770 Level 5 and above SATs GCSE 5 A*-C

17 Next step in OUR Learning Platform PlayStation: ICT for everyone VLE now on system Staff training: Working Group Schools with good practice visited

18 Next step in OUR Learning Platform PlayStation: ICT for everyone A video clip is available – to watch this, please download the zip file from the web page

19 Richard Gartland Chandlers Ridge Primary School



22 Learning Platforms our journey! Timescale Professional Development Staff attitudes New focus Dedication Enthusiasm Leadership and vision Pride and realisation

23 What will a Learning Platform do for our children and school?

24 Transformation How do I engage my class? How can I present my work? How can I support my child at home? How can I communicate with all our stakeholders? I didn’t get finished in the lesson. How can I use multimedia resources in my teaching? What did you do at school today son? Look what I’ve done! How could it be even better? How do I know what is going on?

25 What does this look like in the real world?

26 From access to use Focus moving away from access to how technologies can be used and embedded Research programme to establish a baseline of use From use to effective use to achieve positive outcomes and deliver transformational change Evidence based advice, guidance, tools and support from Becta

27 From access to use Tools to help schools develop a strategic approach (reflecting changing technologies and pedagogies) Advice and guidance to support strategic vision and change management Illustrative studies, including video evidence, to model a variety of approaches from deployment to embedding

28 From access to use Becta supporting schools – develop vision and strategy – provide guidance for change management – help measure progress – realise benefits – help transform children’s learning – celebrate success

29 Questions or

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