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+ Introduction Joy Kirchner, Amy Buckland, Anali Perry Auburn University Libraries May 8, 2015.

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1 + Introduction Joy Kirchner, Amy Buckland, Anali Perry Auburn University Libraries May 8, 2015

2 + Introductions Who are we? Who are you?

3 + Eventually, Steve looked up. His mother was nowhere in sight and this was certainly no longer the toy department. Gary Larson

4 + Program Goal “The goal of the program is to empower participants to help accelerate the transformation of the scholarly communication system.”

5 + Agenda Understanding SC: Framing the Issues Discussing the Issues: A World Café-type Exercise Copyright: Understanding the Law Case Studies: SC in Practice Engagement: What’s Next?

6 1. Brainstorm at your tables some common questions about scholarly communication that you are asked or that you wonder about. Make a list. 2. With your table mates, choose one or two you would like to share with the wider group. Brainstorm, Björn Andersson, from The Noun Project (CC-BY 3.0)

7 “Why should I care about Open Access? I can get access to everything that I need.” “Can I use the graph I published in Journal X in a future publication?” “What’s the point of an institutional repository?” “My funding agency requires that I make the results of my research - including data - freely available online. What does this mean?” “Who cares? I post my articles on my website anyway.” “Why should I have to pay to publish my work?” “What can I do to create a sustainable model for scholarship?” “Is Open Access publishing really reputable? I have to publish in the key peer-reviewed journals in my field in order to get tenure.”

8 + What questions do you have?

9 + Attribution Portions of this work were originally created by Sarah Shreeves, Molly Keener and Joy Kirchner and revised by Amy Buckland in April 2015. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License. To view a copy of the license see

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