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1 of 29 LCWS’06, March 2006T. Markiewicz for M. Woods, SLAC LCWS’06 Bangalore March 12, 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "1 of 29 LCWS’06, March 2006T. Markiewicz for M. Woods, SLAC LCWS’06 Bangalore March 12, 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 of 29 LCWS’06, March 2006T. Markiewicz for M. Woods, SLAC LCWS’06 Bangalore March 12, 2006 CCLRCLLNLQMULU. of BristolUMass Amherst CERNLancaster U.SLACUC BerkeleyU. of Oregon DESYManchester U.TEMF TU DarmstadtU. of Cambridge KEKNotre Dame U.U. of BirminghamUCL Collimator design, wakefields (T-480) BPM energy spectrometer (T-474) Synch Stripe energy spectrometer (T-475) IP BPMs/kickers—background studies EMI (electro-magnetic interference) PAC05 paper/poster: SLAC-PUB-11180, e-Print Archive: physics/0505171 ILC Beam Tests in End Station A

2 2 of 29 LCWS’06, March 2006T. Markiewicz for M. Woods, SLAC Beam Parameters at SLAC ESA and ILC ParameterSLAC ESAILC-500 Repetition Rate 10 Hz5 Hz Energy 28.5 GeV250 GeV Bunch Charge 2.0 x 10 10 Bunch Length 300  m Energy Spread 0.2%0.1% Bunches per train 1 (2*)2820 Microbunch spacing - (20-400ns*)337 ns *possible, using undamped beam

3 3 of 29 LCWS’06, March 2006T. Markiewicz for M. Woods, SLAC Summary Funding from: i) SLAC ILC group, ii) UK, iii) DOE LCRD 3 test beam experiments have been approved: T-474, T-475, T-480 Commissioning Run January 4-9 ~20 people taking shifts (including 4 grad students) from SLAC, UC Berkeley, Notre Dame, U. of Oregon, UC London, Daresbury Lab 2006 Running schedule: ii) April 24 – May 8, 2006 iii) July 3-17, 2006 T-474, T-475, T-480 and Bunch Length measurements in both periods FONT-ESA & EMI testing in July Plan for two 2-week runs in FY07

4 4 of 29 LCWS’06, March 2006T. Markiewicz for M. Woods, SLAC ESA Equipment Layout: Now & Future 18 feet BPMs used to commission BPM electronics Ceramic gap bunch length monitors w/ 3 rf readouts Oregon quartz fiber detector Dipoles + Wiggler Wakefield boxWire ScannersFONT-ESABPM-Triplets Collimator Support Girders black=now blue=March’06 green=July’06 red=later Upstream:

5 5 of 29 LCWS’06, March 2006T. Markiewicz for M. Woods, SLAC Alcove rf BPMs (3 sets of bpm processors to analyze data) 100GHz Bunch Length Detector Hardware installed during January 2006 Commissioning Run

6 6 of 29 LCWS’06, March 2006T. Markiewicz for M. Woods, SLAC Collimator wakefield box Wire Scanner Hardware installed during January 2006 Commissioning Run

7 7 of 29 LCWS’06, March 2006T. Markiewicz for M. Woods, SLAC Precision energy measurements to 50-200 parts per million are needed for Higgs boson and top quark mass measurements. BPM (T-474) and synchrotron stripe (T-475) spectrometers will both be evaluated in a common 4-magnet chicane. These studies address achieving the ILC precision measurement goals: resolution, stabilty & systematics T-474, 475: Energy Spectrometers

8 8 of 29 LCWS’06, March 2006T. Markiewicz for M. Woods, SLAC T-474 and T-475 T-474 BPM Energy Spectrometer: PIs: Mike Hildreth (U. of Notre Dame) & Stewart Boogert (RHUL,UK) Collaborating Institutions: U. of Cambridge, Royal Holloway, SLAC, UC Berkeley, UC London, U. of Notre Dame T-475 Synchrotron Stripe Energy Spectrometer: PI: Eric Torrence (U. of Oregon) Collaborating Institutions: SLAC, U. of Oregon Prototype quartz fiber detector: 8 100-micron fibers + 8 600-micron fibers w/ multi-anode PMT readout

9 9 of 29 LCWS’06, March 2006T. Markiewicz for M. Woods, SLAC Collimators remove beam halo, but excite wakefields. Goal is to determine optimal collimator material and geometry. These studies address achieving the ILC design luminosity. T-480: Collimator Wakefields April, July 2006 runs PIs: Steve Molloy (SLAC), (Steve replaces PT), Nigel Watson (U. of Birmingham, UK) Collaborating Institutions: U. of Birmingham, CCLRC-ASTeC + engineering, CERN, DESY, Manchester U., Lancaster U., SLAC, TEMF TU Collimator wakefield box installed in ESA. 2 sandwiches, each holding 4 collimators, available. Collimators being provided by UK groups. Wakefield kick angle measurements provided by T-474 BPMs.

10 10 of 29 LCWS’06, March 2006T. Markiewicz for M. Woods, SLAC January 2006 Commissioning Run 1.Infrastructure: DAQ (both SCP and experimental—evolution from E-166) Wire scanner for spotsize, emittance measurements simple bunch length diagnostics w/ 3 rf detectors (10, 20 and 100 GHz) Energy spread measurements with A-line synch lite monitor (SLM) A-line commissioning for single bunch, low emittance beams → full characterization of beam’s 6-dim phase space 2.T-474: BPM Energy spectrometer commissioning - new BPM electronics developed at UC Berkeley using existing rf bpms; SIS waveform digitizers provided by UK 3. T-475: Synch. Stripe energy spectrometer - testing Oregon quartz fiber detector at A-Line SLM location 4. T-480: Collimator Wakefield Measurements, commissioning ASSET collimator wakefield box; get beam cleanly thru 4mm gap and take beam-based alignment data

11 11 of 29 LCWS’06, March 2006T. Markiewicz for M. Woods, SLAC Oregon quartz fiber detector at A-line SLM location for T-475 DAQ Control at Counting House January 2006 Commissioning Run e - beam SR photons

12 12 of 29 LCWS’06, March 2006T. Markiewicz for M. Woods, SLAC DAQ Screens

13 13 of 29 LCWS’06, March 2006T. Markiewicz for M. Woods, SLAC LiTrack simulation for achieving ILC parameters in ESA Bunch charge (1E10)2.0 DR bunch length (mm)6.0 DR energy spread (%)0.074 RTL Voltage (MV)38 RF phase 2-6 (deg)-10 RF phase 10-20 (deg)-17.5 Aline R56 (m)00.465 Aline T566 (m)2.744  E/E  =0.2% z  =300um

14 14 of 29 LCWS’06, March 2006T. Markiewicz for M. Woods, SLAC Bunch Length Measurements in January 2006 Commissioning Run 2-d scan versus Linac injection phase and compressor voltage Peak in 100 GHz signal as Linac Injector Phase & Compressor voltage scanned, at lower frequencies signal correlates with intensity only 100GHz20GHz 10GHzIntensity

15 15 of 29 LCWS’06, March 2006T. Markiewicz for M. Woods, SLAC Energy profile with SLM digitized (saturates at peak) 1.2%  E/E 117-micron vertical spot Beat Size and Energy Spread in January 2006 Commissioning Run Energy profile with SLM digitized (saturates at peak) 1.2%  E/E Nominal setup had low energy tail. Optimizing Linac injection phase and compressor voltage for short bunches eliminates low energy tail and gives high energy tail. Wire scanner measurement of vertical spotsize.

16 16 of 29 LCWS’06, March 2006T. Markiewicz for M. Woods, SLAC Beam Emittance in A Line in January Commissioning Run Linac emittance with S28 wires Q28 and wire scans for measuring horizontal, vertical emittance in ESA  y ~ 4.0 e-05 ??  x ~ 31. e-05 OK expect ~4x emittance growth in A-line due to synch. radiation and chromatic aberrations data was taken with wrong magnet config for A-line orbit and dispersion matching (→increased y-emittance?) vacuum problem at start of A-line may also increase y-emittance

17 17 of 29 LCWS’06, March 2006T. Markiewicz for M. Woods, SLAC BPM Electronics Commissioning during January 2006 Run T-474 commissioning results using new bpm processors to downmix signals to 70MHz and digitize with SIS waveform digitizers at 100MHz. ~5-micron bpm resolution achieved so far. Expect <1-micron resolution, so studying contributions from phase noise, angle jitter, fitting procedure …

18 18 of 29 LCWS’06, March 2006T. Markiewicz for M. Woods, SLAC T-474 plans for April, July runs For April install two spear girders with 2nd wire scanner and 2 new BPM triplets: –ILC Linac prototype BPMs being developed by C. Adolphsen, G. Bowden, Z. Li (Location=3BPM3-5) –E158 ASSET BPMs (Location=3BPM9-11) –Future: new BPMs will be designed at UC London in collab. with SLAC For July install interferometer for ILC Linac bpms

19 19 of 29 LCWS’06, March 2006T. Markiewicz for M. Woods, SLAC Continued Plans for April, July Runs T-475T-475 –continue studies with prototype detector at A- line SLM location need access to snip 1 or 2 fibers to provide for background measurements and to increase gain on differential line driver T-480T-480 –Wakefield study using T-474 BPMs

20 20 of 29 LCWS’06, March 2006T. Markiewicz for M. Woods, SLAC New Studies for April, July Runs Bunch Length StudiesBunch Length Studies – add 2nd 100GHz diode w/ WR10 waveguide (noise, resolution, stability…) – partner with LCLS for bunch length studies in 100-500 micron range w/higher frequency detectors (M. Ross, P. Emma, D. McCormick, S. Walston, …) EMI StudiesEMI Studies – Characterize EMI along ESA beamline using antennas & fast 2.5GHz scope – Measure dependence on bunch charge, bunch length US-Japan funds for FY06 available –KEK—Y. Sugimoto, SLAC--G. Bower

21 21 of 29 LCWS’06, March 2006T. Markiewicz for M. Woods, SLAC Feedback BPM survivability tests (Oxford U.): Approximate rule of thumb: –1 pm error in BPM processor per charge absorbed or knocked out of strip Irradiate BPM in realistic environment, study: –noise on direct beam signals –long-term BPM stability and performance Also, plan to do detailed EM modelling of BPM to simulate the effect of backgrounds on performance FONT@ESA: July Run

22 22 of 29 LCWS’06, March 2006T. Markiewicz for M. Woods, SLAC Feedback BPM Hit Dependence on Machine Parameter Set High LumiScheme14 Low PScheme13 Large YScheme12 Low QScheme11 NominalScheme10 USSCScheme9 1 TeV TESLA Scheme 8 High LumiScheme7 Low PScheme6 Large YScheme5 Low QScheme4 NominalScheme3 USSCScheme2 500 GeV TESLA Scheme 1 # pairs hitting FB BPM 93443

23 23 of 29 LCWS’06, March 2006T. Markiewicz for M. Woods, SLAC Pairs Simulated at ESA w/ Spray Beam Reproduce the pair backgrounds predicted in the IR at ESA by firing 30 GeV beam into a fixed-target ‘radiator’ –2 radiator options: Thick target in Beam Switch Yard (BSY) Thin target in ESA Output of simulation shows range of energies between 0 and 30GeV

24 24 of 29 LCWS’06, March 2006T. Markiewicz for M. Woods, SLAC Mechanical mock-up of forward material in the ILC IR BeamCal plus BPM and QD0 Mechanical Substitute –Quartz Cerenkov on mover to monitor pair flux –removable Pb glass block for normalization –Beamcal/BPM Mockup

25 25 of 29 LCWS’06, March 2006T. Markiewicz for M. Woods, SLAC Other Tests Under Discussion 1. Other BPM test stations 2. More Bunch length and longitudinal profile measurements (for LCLS) electro-optic, Smith-Purcell, coherent transition radiation, other? Initial measurements are using rf detectors at a ceramic gap in a few frequency bands from 10GHz-100GHz 300-micron ILC bunch length is same as LCLS after 1 st bunch compressor ESA is a good place to commission diagnostics for this 3. Spray beam or fixed target to mimic pairs, beamsstrahlung, disrupted beam for testing synchrotron stripe energy spectrometer or BEAMCAL 4. IR Mockup? Mimick beamline geometry at IP within ±5 meters in z and ±20 cm radially 5. Single Particles (electrons, photons, pions) 1-25 GeV particles with 1 or less particles/bunch at 10Hz for ILC Detector tests

26 26 of 29 LCWS’06, March 2006T. Markiewicz for M. Woods, SLAC ESA has now been revalidated for using primary beams. A major consideration was reviewing radiation physics requirements and the ESA PPS (personnel protection system). The ESA PPS does not meet modern standards for redundancy of sub-system components. Additionally, system components are old and some are past their rated service life. The cost estimate for replacing the ESA PPS Is $500K Will be requesting to run with the existing PPS thru the end of FY08 (end of PEP-II era). ESA running beyond that would require a new PPS. Safety Reviews & PPS Relevant for post 2007 runs

27 27 of 29 LCWS’06, March 2006T. Markiewicz for M. Woods, SLAC ESA Beam Tests in LCLS Era? The ESA program is NOT compatible with LCLS without effort –Some initial discussions with SLAC management have begun LCLS will use last 1/3 of SLAC Linac: 14 GeV beam, 1 nC, 120 Hz controls issues low bunch charge w/ LCLS gun specs pulsed magnets to share LCLS beam Would need PPS upgrade

28 28 of 29 LCWS’06, March 2006T. Markiewicz for M. Woods, SLAC ILC at SABER? South Arc Beam Exp. Region Need to run front 2/3 of linac ($) Separate bypass line Separate pulse compressor

29 29 of 29 LCWS’06, March 2006T. Markiewicz for M. Woods, SLAC Summary We have a strong collaboration for important ILC beam tests, addressing ILC luminosity and ILC precision Strong support from SLAC’s ILC group, UK collaborators and others 3 test beam experiments have been approved and are in progress; additional ones are in preparation or under study Successful 5-day commissioning run earlier this month; 2 additional runs scheduled before end of July. Plans to continue into FY07 andFY08, parasitic with PEP-II operation.

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