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CSE 7314 Software Testing and Reliability Robert Oshana Lecture 13

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1 CSE 7314 Software Testing and Reliability Robert Oshana Lecture 13

2 Analysis and Design Chapter 5

3 Introduction Many design techniques available Choice based on many factors –Nature of system –Risk of implementation –Level of test –Skill set of testers Create inventories

4 Process for creating an inventory

5 1. Gather reference materials Requirements documentation Design documentation User’s manuals Product specifications Training manuals Customer feedback

6 2. Form a Brainstorming Team Test manager Systems architect Senior developer Business analyst Marketing representative

7 3. Determine test objectives Functions or methods Constraints or limits System configurations Interfaces with other systems Conditions on input and output attributes Behavior rules

8 4. Prioritize objectives Scope Breadth Risk Choose an objective that has a broad coverage of the system

9 5. Parse objectives into lists Parse highest-priority objectives into more detailed components Lower-priority objectives will be parsed into lower detail if time allows Start by not making them too detailed or the test cases can be overwhelming

10 6. Create inventory tracking matrix

11 7. Identify tests for unaddressed conditions Some conditions may not have a test mapped to it Rather than modify existing test cases, it easier to add new test cases to address untested conditions

12 8. Evaluate each inventory item Evaluate for adequacy of coverage and add additional test cases as required –Never quite complete

13 9. Maintain the testing matrix

14 Black box vs White box

15 BB and WB testing White box or black box testing improves quality by 40%. Together they improve quality by 60%

16 Black box science

17 Equivalence partitioning A group of tests forms an equivalence class if you believe that: –They all test the same thing –Of one catches a bug, the others probably will too –If one doesn’t catch a bug, the others probably won’t either

18 Boundary value analysis Boundaries are often prone to failure Does it make sense to also test in the middle? Procedure –Test exact boundaries –Value immediately above upper boundary –Value immediately below lower boundary

19 Decision tables List all possible conditions (inputs) and all possible actions (outputs) Useful for describing critical components of a system that can be defined by a set of rules

20 Decision table

21 Test cases for payroll example

22 CSE 7314 Software Testing and Reliability Robert Oshana End of Lecture – 10 minute break

23 CSE 7314 Software Testing and Reliability Robert Oshana Lecture 14

24 State transition diagrams Old but effective method for describing a system design and guiding our testing Functionality dependent on current input and also its past input (state and transitions) Transition mapped to requirement State are expected output opportunities

25 Orthogonal arrays Two dimensional array of integers Choosing two columns in the array gives all combinations of the numbers Used when too many tests to write and execute OATS allows the choice of a “good” subset

26 Orthogonal array

27 Example orthogonal array

28 Black box art

29 Ad hoc testing Based on experience Pareto analysis approach Risk analysis (importance to the user) Problematic situations (boundaries, etc) Make sure problem can be replicated

30 Random testing Creating tests where the data is in the format of real data but all of the fields are generated randomly, often using a tool Minimally defined parameters –“Monkeys” –“intelligent monkeys”

31 Random testing weaknesses Test often not realistic No gauge of actual coverage No measure of risk Many become redundant Lots of time to developed expected results Hard to recreate

32 Semi-random testing Refined random testing Equivalence partitioning Little added confidence to systematic techniques May explode if not careful “intelligent” monkey

33 Exploratory testing Test design and execution are conducted concurrently Results prompt tester to delve deeper Not the same as ad-hoc testing Good alternative to structured testing techniques

34 White box science

35 White box testing Look inside a component and create tests based on implementation

36 Cyclomatic complexity From mathematical graph theory C = e – n + 2p –e = number of edges in the graph (number of arrows) –n = number of nodes (basic blocks) –p = number of independent procedures

37 Example C = 7 – 6 + 2 ( 1 ) = 3

38 Code coverage Design test cases using techniques discussed Measure code coverage Examine unexecuted code Create test cases to exercise uncovered code (if time permits)

39 Structure of a test procedure specification

40 Specification for a typical system-level test

41 Test implementation Chapter 6

42 Test implementation process Acquiring test data Developing test procedures Preparing the test environment Selecting and implementing the tools used to facilitate process

43 Test environment Collection of various pieces –Data –Hardware configurations –People (testers) –Interfaces –Operating systems –Manuals –Facilities

44 People Not just execution of tests Design and creation Should be done by people who understand the environment at at certain level –Unit testing by developers –Integration testing by systems people

45 CSE 7314 Software Testing and Reliability Robert Oshana End of Lecture – 10 minute break

46 CSE 7314 Software Testing and Reliability Robert Oshana Lecture 15

47 Test environment Collection of various pieces –Data –Hardware configurations –People (testers) –Interfaces –Operating systems –Manuals –Facilities

48 People Not just execution of tests Design and creation Should be done by people who understand the environment at at certain level –Unit testing by developers –Integration testing by systems people

49 Hardware configuration Each customer could have different configurations Develop “profiles” of customers Valuable when customer calls with a problem If cost limited, create a “typical” environment

50 Co-habitating software Applications that are installed on a PC will have other apps running on them as well Do they share common files? Is there competition for resources between the applications? Inventory and profile

51 Interfaces Difficult to do and a common source of problems once the system is delivered Systems may not have been built to work together –Different standards and technology Many tests have to be simulated which adds to the difficulty

52 Source of test data Goal should be to create the most realistic data possible Real data is desirable Challenges –Different data formats –Sensitive –Classified (military) Adds to the overall cost

53 Data source characteristics

54 Volume of test data In many cases a limited volume of data is sufficient Volume, however, can have a significant impact on performance Mix is also important

55 Repetitive and tedious tasks

56 Test tooling traps No clear strategy Great expectations Lack of buy-in Poor training Automating the wrong thing Choosing the wrong tool Ease of use Choosing the wrong vendor

57 Test tooling traps Unstable software Doing too much, too soon Underestimating time/resources Inadequate or unique testing environment Poor timing Cost of tools

58 Evaluating testware QA group Reviews Dry runs Traceability

59 Defect seeding Developed to estimate the number of bugs resident in a piece of software Software seeded with bugs and then tests run to determine how many bugs were found Can predict the number of bugs remaining

60 Defect Seeding

61 Mutation analysis Used as a method for auditing the quality of unit testing Insert a mutant statement (bug) into code Run unit tests Result determines if unit testing was comprehensive or not

62 Steps in mutation analysis

63 CSE 7314 Software Testing and Reliability Robert Oshana End of Lecture – 10 minute break

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