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Chapter 8 Classwide Motivation Systems A Proactive and Positive Approach to Classroom Management A Proactive and Positive Approach to Classroom Management.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 8 Classwide Motivation Systems A Proactive and Positive Approach to Classroom Management A Proactive and Positive Approach to Classroom Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 8 Classwide Motivation Systems A Proactive and Positive Approach to Classroom Management A Proactive and Positive Approach to Classroom Management

2 Chapter 8 Classwide Motivation Systems Class behaves for the most part but the honey- moon period is over Most students are responsible, but a few students have a problem with one specific behavior Behavior of many of your students is challenging

3 Step 1: Preparation—Identify problems, goals & level of structure Structure and Support! Management & Discipline Planning Questionnaire Low Structure Medium Structure High Structure What did you learn about the level of structure your class needs? This is critical to creating a match between your students’ needs and an appropriate classwide motivation system

4 If your total is: If your total is: Your Risk Factors Are: Your Risk Factors Are: 0 to 30 Low, which means your students can probably be successful with a classroom management plan that involves Low, Medium or High Structure 31 to 60 Medium, which means that for your students to be successful, your classroom management plan should involve Medium or High Structure 61-120 High, which means that for your students to be successful, your classroom management plan should involve High Structure

5 Step 2: Decide on a Classwide Motivational System Decide to use a non-reward or a reward-based system Choose, design and implement Meet Mr. Harn

6 Reward or Non-Reward Fan –n- Pick (Kagan, 2009)

7 Nonreward-Based System Nonreward-based=intrinsic – Goal Setting (Reproducible 8.9, p. 349) – Goal Contract (Reproducible 8.10, p. 351)

8 Tips for Choosing & Implementing a Reward-Based System Make sure the system is for and to students. Make sure the rewards the students will be working for are. Set the system up in ways that make student likely. interesting appropriate highly motivating success

9 Tips for Choosing & Implementing a Reward-Based System Avoid systems with time limits. Carefully the entire system before you begin implementation. Make sure your for student behavior are clear and that you have adequate for monitoring student behavior. arbitrary organize expectations procedures

10 Tips for Choosing & Implementing a Reward-Based System Teach the students the entire system works. Make sure that you that the system will help improve student behavior. how believe

11 Motivation Systems by Level of Classroom Structure Appropriate Systems for Classes Needing Low Structure Appropriate Systems for Classes Needing Medium Structure Appropriate Systems for Classes Needing High Structure Goal Setting Procedures: Teacher sets goals for individual students Teacher sets goals for individual students Teacher guides students in the process of setting their own goals Teacher guides students in the process of setting their own goals Teacher guides students in setting class wide goals Teacher guides students in setting class wide goals 100 squares 100 squares Group Response Cost Group Response Cost Lottery Tickets Lottery Tickets Mystery Behavior of the Day Mystery Behavior of the Day Public Posting Classwide/Individual Public Posting Classwide/Individual Self-Evaluation of on/off task behavior Self-Evaluation of on/off task behavior Target & Reward a specific behavior Target & Reward a specific behavior Behavioral Grading Behavioral Grading Economic Simulation Economic Simulation Reinforcement Based on Reducing Misbehavior Reinforcement Based on Reducing Misbehavior

12 Menu of Class-wide Systems Table Groups Each person reviews one folder and shares with group. – Would this motivation system work in my class – why or why not? – How would I adapt this to meet the needs in my class ?

13 Step 3: Maintaining and Fading a Reward Based System Keep you energy and about the system high. Keep your focus on the students’ behavior rather than the they earn. Continue using other strategies at a high level. enthusiasm rewards motivational

14 Maintaining and Fading a Reward Based System When a system has been successful for a period of time, start making it more. Once a system is fairly “lean,” modify it to be based on rewards. challenging intermittent

15 Maintaining and Fading a Reward Based System Once a class is working successfully for intermittent rewards, consider adding (or switching to) one of the systems described in the menu. When appropriate, have a class discussion about the use of the reward- based system. goal setting abandoning

16 We have never failed unless we have ceased to try. Eleanor Roosevelt

17 Closing Post organizer Homework: – Self Assessment – Reflections on Modules 5 & 8 Day 4

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