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AP PSYCHOLOGY 6 th Six Weeks April 21, 2014. Today’s Lesson 4/21/2014 Journal prompt: Psychotherapy Go into Therapy (Chapter 15) The King’s Speech.

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Presentation on theme: "AP PSYCHOLOGY 6 th Six Weeks April 21, 2014. Today’s Lesson 4/21/2014 Journal prompt: Psychotherapy Go into Therapy (Chapter 15) The King’s Speech."— Presentation transcript:

1 AP PSYCHOLOGY 6 th Six Weeks April 21, 2014

2 Today’s Lesson 4/21/2014 Journal prompt: Psychotherapy Go into Therapy (Chapter 15) The King’s Speech

3 Planning: 4/21 Psychotherapy 4/23 Medical approach; Eclectic approach – Power point notes 4/25 Quiz chapter 15. Begin Social Psychology. 4/26 AP Psychology Test Review 4/29 Social Psychology Chapter 16 5/1 Social Psychology Chapter 16

4 Journal Prompt: 4/21/2014 p. 638 What Would Freud Say? 1)What are you trying to accomplish with free association? 2)“Just as Jerome began telling his therapist about a painful childhood experience, he complained of a headache and abruptly ended the session.” 3)“Mr. Phillips has recently begun to express feelings of hostility and resentment toward his therapist, who is consistently friendly, caring, and helpful.” Learning Goal : Identify psychological treatments.

5 5 Psychological Therapies We will look at four major forms of psychotherapies based on different theories of human nature: 1.Psychoanalytic theory 2.Humanistic theory 3.Behavioral theory 4.Cognitive theory

6 6 Psychoanalysis: Aims Since psychological problems originate from childhood repressed impulses and conflicts, the aim of psychoanalysis is to bring repressed feelings into conscious awareness where the patient can deal with them. When energy devoted to id-ego- superego conflicts is released, the patient’s anxiety lessens.

7 7 Psychoanalysis: Methods Dissatisfied with hypnosis, Freud developed the method of free association to unravel the unconscious mind and its conflicts. The patient lies on a couch and speaks about whatever comes to his or her mind.

8 8 Psychoanalysis: Methods During free association, the patient edits his thoughts, resisting his or her feelings to express emotions. Such resistance becomes important in the analysis of conflict-driven anxiety. Eventually the patient opens up and reveals his or her innermost private thoughts, developing positive or negative feelings (transference) towards the therapist.

9 9 Psychoanalysis: Criticisms 1.Psychoanalysis is hard to refute because it cannot be proven or disproven. 2.Psychoanalysis takes a long time and is very expensive.

10 10 Psychodynamic Therapy Influenced by Freud, in a face-to-face setting, psychodynamic therapists understand symptoms and themes across important relationships in a patient’s life.

11 11 Psychodynamic Therapies Interpersonal psychotherapy, a variation of psychodynamic therapy, is effective in treating depression. It focuses on symptom relief here and now, not an overall personality change.

12 Today’s Lesson 4/23/2014 Journal prompt: Operant Conditioning Therapy AP Preparation: How to answer Free Response Questions (FRQs) Notes: Therapy Handout: Medical therapies for anxiety

13 Journal prompt: 4/23/2014 Categories of Treatment and Types of Treatment Providers. Evaluate the efficacy of treatments for particular disorders. p. 645-646 What are some situations in which behavior modification is used? How does a token economy work? What are criticisms of behavior modification?

14 Today’s Lesson 4/25/2014 Journal prompt: Biomedical therapies Finish notes packet Chapter 15 Medical therapy chart IMPORTANT: Do Vocabulary and/or Study Guide for Chapter 16 by Thursday next week. Coming Up: – Tuesday 4/29 Chapter 16 Discussion/ Notes – Thursday 5/1 Practice Exam Turn in practice FRQ AP PRACTICE SESSION ROOM 234 SATURDAY 4/26

15 Journal Prompt 4/25/2014 2.1 Identify biomedical treatments 2.4 Evaluate the efficacy of treatments for particular disorders p. 663, 668. People with depression often improve after a month on anti-depressants. However, some researchers say the drug effect is actually minimal. How do researchers evaluate the effectiveness of a particular drug therapy?

16 AP PRACTICE SESSION Test Format: College Board Website FRQ Analysis Test practice websites Analogies Graphic Organizers

17 Test Format: Multiple Choice 2-4% history and approaches (Prologue & Chapter 1) 8-10% research methods (Chapter 1) 8-10% biological bases of behavior (Chapters 2 & 4) 6-8% sensation and perception (Chapter 6) 2-4% states of consciousness (Chapter 3) 7-9% learning (Chapter 7) 8-10% cognition (Chapters 8 & 9) 6-8% motivation and emotion (Chapter 10) 7-9% developmental psychology (Chapter 5) 5-7% personality (Chapter 13) 5-7% testing and individual differences (Chapter 11) 7-9% abnormal behavior (Chapter 14) 5-7% treatment of abnormal behavior (Chapter 15) 8-10% social psychology (Chapter 16)

18 AP PSYCH EXAM on the Internet College Board Mr. Donner's website Miss Hammond's AP PSYCH exam review website Miss Hammond's AP PSYCH exam review website

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