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Rewards at Stowmarket High School Approachable, Encouraging, Engaging, Friendly and Safe.

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Presentation on theme: "Rewards at Stowmarket High School Approachable, Encouraging, Engaging, Friendly and Safe."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rewards at Stowmarket High School Approachable, Encouraging, Engaging, Friendly and Safe

2 The rewards will be based on the merits received on our Go 4 Schools (G4S) system Students will receive a merit point per subject each week if they have behaved and worked to the teacher’s satisfaction Students will be rewarded for extra-curricular activities Exceptional achievements will be rewarded Approachable, Encouraging, Engaging, Friendly and Safe

3 All merits are worth one point but demerits carry negative points – some more than others Fighting = -3 Verbal abuse to staff = -3 Bullying = -3 Damage to school property = -2 Sent to removal room = -2 Smoking = -2 Truancy = -2 Persistent poor behaviour = -2 Persistent lateness = -2

4 You will soon receive access to your own page on G4S and every week your tutor will aim to talk to your tutor group and give further guidance Approachable, Encouraging, Engaging, Friendly and Safe

5 Reward activities will take place every half term and at the end of every term. Approachable, Encouraging, Engaging, Friendly and Safe

6 Half-term rewards October – Lesson off timetable for drinks, snacks and music vids in Lillies February - Film and snacks in the hall (pm off lessons) Approachable, Encouraging, Engaging, Friendly and Safe

7 End of term rewards December – Bowling April – Cinema trip July – Illusionist experience Approachable, Encouraging, Engaging, Friendly and Safe

8 How do we qualify for these rewards? Approachable, Encouraging, Engaging, Friendly and Safe

9 Top 20 in each year group will be rewarded. As well as this, the top 5 most improved students will join the group (most improved will not be able to access the Oct half term reward but will be able to access all rewards after this).

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