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Willow Elementary Title 1 Presented during the Open House/PTA Picnic event August 29 th, 2012 Mrs. Christina Lindquist, Title 1 teacher.

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Presentation on theme: "Willow Elementary Title 1 Presented during the Open House/PTA Picnic event August 29 th, 2012 Mrs. Christina Lindquist, Title 1 teacher."— Presentation transcript:

1 Willow Elementary Title 1 Presented during the Open House/PTA Picnic event August 29 th, 2012 Mrs. Christina Lindquist, Title 1 teacher

2 What is Title I?  Federal assistance program that provides funding to high-poverty schools  Schools qualify based on the percentage of students who receive free or reduced lunch  Please fill out the application  Funds are used to support all students

3 How Funds are Used at Willow  Extra Resources and Student Services  Technology  Books  Title I Teacher  Small group instruction  Extra Programing  Family Nights  Reading Rewards Program  Goal of 80% participation rate  Teacher Trainings  Technology  Classroom Curriculum

4 Free Books

5 Game Night

6 Craft Night

7 Chili Cook Off

8 Easter Eggstravaganza

9 Alaska School Performance Index (ASPI)  Elementary School Indicator Weightings  40% School Progress  35% Academic Achievement  25% Attendance Attendance is very important!!  Willow has a 4 Star Rating  SBA proficiency scores:  Reading: 80% proficient  Writing-74% proficient  Math-80% proficient  Growth was observed in 100% of students in the categories of: all students, Native students and low income students.  Growth was observed in 95.61% of students with disabilities.

10 School Assessments  Program assessments from district adopted math and reading programs (K-6)  Developmental Profile assessment for all Kindergarten students  AIMS Web fluency and comprehension testing (K-6)  Children’s Progress Academic Assessment (CPAA) evaluation (K-1) (new in September)  Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) assessments in Reading, Language Arts, and Math (K-6)  Standards Based Assessments (SBA) in the areas of Mathematics, Writing, and Reading (3-6) and Science (4)

11 Alaska’s Steps Toward Educational Progress and Partnership (STEPP)  Replaces yearly school action plan  Accessible by staff, parents, community  Continuous improvement plan  Updated throughout the school year  Look for notice on how to access this plan after October

12 Parent Involvement  Parent Involvement Policy & Parent Compact  Working together to share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement  Parents we need your help!  Feedback on PIP & Parent Compact  STEPP Team  Family nights  Look for meeting notices in the newsletter

13 Parent Rights  You can and should:  Request meetings to make suggestions to school staff as needed  Participate in decisions regarding your child and their education  Request teacher qualifications  Review the STEPP plan monthly online

14 Final Thoughts  Please make sure you signed in  Is this your first time attending a Title I/Family Night event?  Please fill out evaluations  Located at a table near the food  Trade completed evaluation for a raffle ticket  Drawing for two door prizes after all evaluations are in

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