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Lecture #11 Date _______ Chapter 26 ~ Phylogeny & Systematics.

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1 Lecture #11 Date _______ Chapter 26 ~ Phylogeny & Systematics

2 You Must Knows The taxonomic categories and how they indicate relatedness.The taxonomic categories and how they indicate relatedness. How systematics is used to develop phylogenetic trees.How systematics is used to develop phylogenetic trees. The three domains of life including their similarities and differences.The three domains of life including their similarities and differences.

3 Phylogeny: the evolutionary history of a species Systematics: the study of biological diversity in an evolutionary contextSystematics: the study of biological diversity in an evolutionary context The fossil record: the ordered array of fossils, within layers, or strata, of sedimentary rockThe fossil record: the ordered array of fossils, within layers, or strata, of sedimentary rock PaleontologistsPaleontologists

4 The fossil record Sedimentary rock: rock formed from sand and mud that once settled on the bottom of seas, lakes, and marshesSedimentary rock: rock formed from sand and mud that once settled on the bottom of seas, lakes, and marshes Dating:Dating: 1- Relative~ geologic time scale; sequence of species1- Relative~ geologic time scale; sequence of species 2- Absolute~ radiometric dating; age using half-lives of radioactive isotopes2- Absolute~ radiometric dating; age using half-lives of radioactive isotopes

5 Biogeography: the study of the past and present distribution of species Pangaea-250 mya √ Permian extinctionPangaea-250 mya √ Permian extinction Geographic isolation-180 mya √ African/South American reptile fossil similarities √ Australian marsupialsGeographic isolation-180 mya √ African/South American reptile fossil similarities √ Australian marsupials

6 Mass extinction Permian (250 million years ago): 90% of marine animals; Pangea mergePermian (250 million years ago): 90% of marine animals; Pangea merge Cretaceous (65 million years ago): death of dinosaurs, 50% of marine species; low angle cometCretaceous (65 million years ago): death of dinosaurs, 50% of marine species; low angle comet


8 Phylogenetics The tracing of evolutionary relationships (phylogenetic tree)The tracing of evolutionary relationships (phylogenetic tree) LinnaeusLinnaeus BinomialBinomial Genus, specific epithetGenus, specific epithet Homo sapiensHomo sapiens Taxon (taxa)Taxon (taxa)

9 Phylogenetic Trees Cladistic AnalysisCladistic Analysis: taxonomic approach that classifies organisms according to the order in time at which branches arise along a phylogenetic tree (cladogram) Clade: each evolutionary branch in a cladogram Types: 1- Monophyletic single ancestor that gives rise to all species in that taxon and to no species in any other taxon; legitimate cladogram1- Monophyletic single ancestor that gives rise to all species in that taxon and to no species in any other taxon; legitimate cladogram 2- Polyphyletic members of a taxa are derived from 2 or more ancestral forms not common to all members; does not meet cladistic criterion2- Polyphyletic members of a taxa are derived from 2 or more ancestral forms not common to all members; does not meet cladistic criterion 3- Paraphyletic lacks the common ancestor that would unite the species; does not meet cladistic criterion3- Paraphyletic lacks the common ancestor that would unite the species; does not meet cladistic criterion

10 Constructing a Cladogram Sorting homology vs. analogy...Sorting homology vs. analogy... Homology: likenesses attributed to common ancestryHomology: likenesses attributed to common ancestry Analogy: likenesses attributed to similar ecological roles and natural selectionAnalogy: likenesses attributed to similar ecological roles and natural selection Convergent evolution: species from different evolutionary branches that resemble one another due to similar ecological rolesConvergent evolution: species from different evolutionary branches that resemble one another due to similar ecological roles

11 A Cladogram

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