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CS351, Programming III: C++ 9:30am-10:20am TR, Biology 202 Two Credit Hours and Xiaoyan Hong SEC 3412 348 4042 Office hours: 10:30.

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Presentation on theme: "CS351, Programming III: C++ 9:30am-10:20am TR, Biology 202 Two Credit Hours and Xiaoyan Hong SEC 3412 348 4042 Office hours: 10:30."— Presentation transcript:

1 CS351, Programming III: C++ 9:30am-10:20am TR, Biology 202 Two Credit Hours, and Xiaoyan Hong SEC 3412 348 4042 Office hours: 10:30 – noon Thur Monica Anderson SEC 3426 348 1667 Office hours: 2 – 3pm M/W

2 What is in a language? Grammar Library Tools

3 What will be taught? Basic Data Types and Operations Control Structures Methods/Functions Object-oriented Programming Event-driven Programming GUI Components Multithreading Networking

4 How it will be taught? Basics/Principles Examples In class exercises, assignments, projects –more exercises the first half of the semester –More projects the second half of the semester Exams Bring own laptop to class Use programing tools g++ compiler via Microsoft Visual Studio 2012

5 How to succeed? Attend every class meeting Actively participate in class teaching/learning Digest every example code after class Complete every assignment/project Learn by example Learn from web

6 Grading Policy Mid-term (26%), and final (40%) In-class exercises, assignments (10%) About 4 projects (24%) Class participation (5%)

7 Textbooks Ira Pohl, C++ for C Programmers, Third Edition, Addison-Wesley (not required) Fraser, Pro Visual C++/CLI and the.NET 3.5 Platform, Apress (not required).

8 Resources C++ for C Programmers –Publisher site For-C-Programmers-Third- Edition/ For-C-Programmers-Third- Edition/ –Author site Microsoft Visual Studio Software Resources for CS students about the MSDN Academic Alliance program.NET Framework Class Library

9 Additional tutor for 300 level courses (course material) TBA –Office hours w schedulable slots, URL TBA –Locations (SEC 3433) course info9

10 10 11/5/2015 Course Policies All the exercises, assignments, projects and the exams are to be done individually, unless indicated as team work –Your understanding through the exercises/assignments/ projects are essential to the success in the exams. –Encourage to discuss with peers –Copy-paste is expressly forbidden. For programming projects, it is expected that you have written EVERY LINE OF CODE

11 11 11/5/2015 Course Policies Expect to attend all classes No late turn-in of assignments is accepted for credit. No make-up exams unless with excusable reasons (show necessary documentations) No academic misconducts Turning questions regarding to grading within one week Only technical discussions regarding to homework, papers, projects, etc., are allowed on the discussion board and chat room on the course web Accommodate disabilities via university resources

12 Why not Python? Python is a prototyping langauge Python is interpreted Python is not the fastest running language Python is not strongly typed (Errors cannot be caught by compiler are runtime errors)

13 Why C++ C++ is a strongly typed language –Language constructs designed to catch more errors C++ is designed to be more efficient –Code has a more specific meaning as to what it becomes in machine langauage C++ supports higher level programming constructs (object oriented programming, templates, etc)

14 C++ in action Write a simple (hello world program Compile the program Run the program is a UNIX based system with access to a g++ compiler; does not provide a graphical programming toolkit

15 Demo Login into Create program using vi Compile program Test program through execution

16 Homework for next Tuesday Complete the test on Blackboard (python review) Look up paradigms that you missed (we will not go back and cover python or algorithm development) Study the operator translation sheet –Assignments, comparisons and arithmetic operators are the same –boolean and, or and not are different Be ready to start on variable declarations next Tuesday

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