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Initiative. What is Schools to Watch? Schools to Watch® is an initiative launched by the National Forum to Accelerate Middle-Grades Reform in 1999.National.

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1 Initiative

2 What is Schools to Watch? Schools to Watch® is an initiative launched by the National Forum to Accelerate Middle-Grades Reform in 1999.National Forum to Accelerate Middle-Grades Reform Through the Schools to Watch® initiative, the National Forum identifies schools across the United States that are well on their way to meeting the Forum's criteria for high performance.

3 Schools to Watch Criteria They are academically excellent—these schools challenge all students to use their minds well.academically excellent They are developmentally responsive—these schools are sensitive to the unique developmental challenges of early adolescence.developmentally responsive They are socially equitable—these schools are democratic and fair, providing every student with high- quality teachers, resources, and supports.socially equitable The have organizational structures to support and sustain their trajectory toward excellence.


5 Schools to Watch has a sense of purpose that drives every facet of practice and decision making.

6 Pattern of Impact of Levels of Implementation for Economically and Socially Disadvantaged Students

7 Schools to Watch States 2002 Number of STW States: 3 Nation’s Middle Level Students in STW States 19% California Georgia North Carolina

8 Schools to Watch States 2006 Number of STW States: 14 Nation’s Middle Level Students in STW States 50% California Georgia North Carolina Colorado Illinois Kentucky Virginia New York Ohio Arkansas Michigan Pennsylvania South Carolina Utah

9 What is the process? Interested schools must complete an on-line self-evaluation survey and a detailed application. Completed applications are due by August 25 th, each year. In September and October applications are reviewed by a team of trained practitioners. In late October through December state visitation teams visit applicant schools to look for evidence of the STW criteria. The visitation team can make one of three recommendations: 1) at this time the school is not recognized as a STW, 2) school is recognized as a Keystone School, 3) school is recognized as a National School to Watch.

10 Regardless of the designation each school receives the detailed report and the commitment of the State STW team to work with the school so recommended changes can be made.

11 Reasons to Become a School to Watch 1.Receive State and National Recognition 2.Implement current research and best middle school practices 3.Network with other Schools to Watch in PA 4.Engage and involve all stakeholders 5.Ensure students develop academically and personally. 6.Virtually no cost except to be institutional member of PAMLE ($149)

12 Schools to Watch Mission The mission of the Pennsylvania Don Eichhorn Schools to Watch Program is to assist Pennsylvania middle grades schools build capacity and recognize schools achieving academic excellence, based on the rigorous 37 criteria established by the National Forum to Accelerate Middle Grades Reform.

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