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Classroom Environments: The ECERS-R Ellen Marshall, Ph.D. & Cathy McAuliffe- Dickerson, Ph.D.

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Presentation on theme: "Classroom Environments: The ECERS-R Ellen Marshall, Ph.D. & Cathy McAuliffe- Dickerson, Ph.D."— Presentation transcript:

1 Classroom Environments: The ECERS-R Ellen Marshall, Ph.D. & Cathy McAuliffe- Dickerson, Ph.D.

2 What do we know? It’s reliable and valid It’s research-supported It’s used internationally Ellen Marshall, Ph.D. & Cathy McAuliffe- Dickerson, Ph.D.

3 Meaning of Scores What affects the type of education you provide?  Cultural beliefs of adult stakeholders  Curriculum approach  Finances  Staffing  Physical structures Ellen Marshall, Ph.D. & Cathy McAuliffe- Dickerson, Ph.D.

4 Flexibility Requirements can be met in many different ways… classrooms that score high do not look the same Ellen Marshall, Ph.D. & Cathy McAuliffe- Dickerson, Ph.D.

5 So? No program will be perfect…use the ECERS-R as a guide for change IMPORTANT!!! The average total score is more important than are the scores on single requirements Ellen Marshall, Ph.D. & Cathy McAuliffe- Dickerson, Ph.D.

6 Example: Art materials are only allowed to be used as a whole group activity— teachers are concerned about messiness and waste This would cause a low score on the Art segment of the ECERS-R This by itself may not greatly impact children’s development, but lack of access to many of the materials would result in a low average total score and would impact quality early development Ellen Marshall, Ph.D. & Cathy McAuliffe- Dickerson, Ph.D.

7 Another Example: Teachers are concerned when they first review the ECERS-R because many things about the physical layout of the school are out of their control (not handicapped accessible; playground is far from the building, etc.) BUT they can maximize the overall average score by working on those sections for which they do have control (language, interactions, activities, etc.) Ellen Marshall, Ph.D. & Cathy McAuliffe- Dickerson, Ph.D.

8 So? The ECERS-R is an outstanding tool to assess and prioritize program improvement Ellen Marshall, Ph.D. & Cathy McAuliffe- Dickerson, Ph.D.

9 Resources All About the ECERS-R book The Internet:  ECERS & SACERS website:  Find an ECERS-R materials checklist for learning centers at: ent/resources/ECERSR_materials_che cklist.pdf ent/resources/ECERSR_materials_che cklist.pdf Ellen Marshall, Ph.D. & Cathy McAuliffe- Dickerson, Ph.D.

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