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QUALITY IMPROVEMENT in DEVON Presentation for Settings in Receipt of the Early Years Entitlement Funding AUTUMN TERM 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "QUALITY IMPROVEMENT in DEVON Presentation for Settings in Receipt of the Early Years Entitlement Funding AUTUMN TERM 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 QUALITY IMPROVEMENT in DEVON Presentation for Settings in Receipt of the Early Years Entitlement Funding AUTUMN TERM 2011

2 Our Children Deserve the Best ‘The free entitlement should be at the forefront of the drive towards high quality and excellence. This means local authorities being clear and consistent in their expectations of continuous quality improvement, concentrating free entitlement funding wherever possible on the highest quality providers and prioritising support to others.’ (Code of Practice for Local Authorities on the Delivery of Free Early Years Provision for 3 and 4 Year Olds – September 2010)

3 1. Assess the quality of settings’ provision 2. Prioritise funding to settings categorised as good or above, funding those below that category as needed to secure sufficiency, flexibility & accessibility 3. Prioritise quality improvement support to settings rated below good 4. Set out in Provider Agreements the quality conditions on which inclusion in the delivery of the free entitlement are based. 5. Consider withdrawal of funding from providers who are not demonstrating the agreed commitment to quality improvement in order to continue to deliver the free entitlement. The Local Authority must:

4 How DCC will Assess Quality During the Autumn term 2011 the Locality Teams will be trialling the new Quality Improvement process. A scoring system will be used to make the assessments on evidence that is collected. Meetings to assess the quality of a setting will be attended by the Early Years & Childcare Advisers, Early Years Consultants & Children's Centre Teachers where Specialist Childminders in Early Learning are being discussed. Within the year, all settings that are in receipt of the Early Years Entitlement Funding will have been quality assessed.

5 What evidence will be used? OFSTED/ ISIS (Independent schools inspectorate) ECERS-R/SACERS/FCCERS Annual Review Visit Qualifications of Staff

6 Quality Monitoring Scoreboard OFSTED/ISIS outcomeInadequate Satisfactory Good Outstanding 43214321 ECERS-R/SACERS/ FCCERS overall score Scores between 1-2 Scores between 3-4 Scores between 5-7 321321 Annual Review Visit: Effectiveness of the setting to support children’s learning No evidence 3 Some evidence 2 Clear evidence 1 321321 Qualifications of staffInadequately qualified Minimum qualifications Beyond minimum qualifications 321321

7 What the scores mean High Score [11-13] = Red Medium Score [8-10] = Amber Low Score [4-7] = Green

8 Quality Agreement Once the level of support has been identified you may be asked to sign the Quality Agreement. The Quality Agreement details the action required, by when and what DCC will do to support the setting to make the improvements required. Those settings rated as Green may not need to complete the Quality Agreement.

9 After the trial… We hope to add some/all of the following evidence: Leadership and Management Capacity to Improve Self Sustainability Safeguarding & Welfare Engagement with the Local Authority Training Plan Staff Retention

10 Thank you for listening.

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