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London 2012 Games British Business Embassy Advanced Engineering Sector Day Programme.

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1 London 2012 Games British Business Embassy Advanced Engineering Sector Day Programme

2 Advanced Engineering Sector Day Friday 10 August 2012  UKTI series of sector days at British Business Embassy at Lancaster House.  Advanced Engineering on 10 August - format being finalised in discussion with No10 and industry.  Full day of activity for guests – mix of senior overseas and British company executives.  Expect keynote addresses from Cabinet Minister and 2 ‘mini Davos’ facilitated panel discussions which will feature UK-based world-class exporting companies and major inward investors.  Sessions on academia-industry collaboration & supply chain excellence.  Followed by session on 2 British innovative technologies/products that have come through development in the areas of materials in aerospace and clean power in automotive.  Networking lunch.  Business to business. Pre-arranged meetings with overseas delegates which can be booked through an online platform that goes live in early 2012.  Networking evening reception (location tbc).

3 Advanced Engineering Sector Day Friday 10 August 2012  60 international trade delegates & 30 inward investors.  90 UK guests.  Additional UK companies will attend the business to business events in the afternoon.  Lord Green has invited international guests. Hope to share list of overseas attendees with industry in January.  UKTI happy to share international guest names and willing to consider further nominations of people to invite.  Potential for companies and industry bodies to host international guests prior to the British Business Embassy event. UKTI will consult industry on best options (1- 2 days prior to 10 August).  UKTI will be seeking business sponsorship of the Sector Day (separate to London 2012 sponsorship). Approaching potential sponsors shortly.

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