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 Environment Rating Scale Professional Development Seminars 7.111 ECERS-R Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale – Revised Edition.

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Presentation on theme: " Environment Rating Scale Professional Development Seminars 7.111 ECERS-R Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale – Revised Edition."— Presentation transcript:

1  Environment Rating Scale Professional Development Seminars 7.111 ECERS-R Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale – Revised Edition

2 Participants will be able to:  Describe the basic indicators of quality early childhood environments and methods for measuring quality  Conduct a self-assessment of classrooms using the ECERS-R 7.112

3 Notes for Clarification PA Position Statements  Choose from Quick links menu All About the ECERS-R Each site will receive one free copy (Postcard) Caring for Our Children Handbook for Public Playground Safety 7.113

4 4 Early Childhood Research Institute Special Quest CARA’s Kit – Teacher Version: Creating adaptations for routines and activities http://www.dec-

5 “ It is the total score that is related to positive child development, not any of the single requirements by themselves” - page xii All About the ECERS-R 7.115

6 ECERS – R: Page 7 7.116 Available vs. Accessible

7 Few, some, many, varied 7.117

8 Staff 8

9 Example: Item #17 Using language to develop reasoning skills Indicators 5.1 and 5.2 7.119 Must be observed

10 Very Bad Weather or Weather Permitting Items #8, #34, #35 7.1110

11 7.1111 What is hand washing? When is it needed? Are there times when hand sanitizer can be used?

12 Same Sink: Do the staff and children wash their hands for eating in the same sink that they wash their hands for toileting? 7.1112

13 Sanitize: BBleach and water solution 11 tablespoon bleach to a quart of water or ¼ cup bleach to a gallon water MMix Daily CContact time with surface for 2 minutes OOr an approved EPA sanitizer - following the instructions to sanitize on the label 7.1113

14 7.1114  ASTM F 1292 Standard  Handbook for Public Playground Safety PA Position Statements - Playground Information Sheet Item #7 Space for gross motor play Item #8 Gross motor equipment Item #14 Safety practices

15 PA Position Statements Item #14 Safety 1.1, 1.2, 3.1 A score of 1 or 2 will result if any of the following are observed:  At least 4 indoor or 4 outdoor safety hazards  A safety hazard exists that is a certification violation  Materials labeled “Keep Out of Reach of Children” that are not in a locked container, including medicines and cleaning materials. 7.1115

16 7.1116 Item #29 Supervision of gross motor activities Item #30 General supervision of children Strict interpretation of ratios will be considered A safe environment is not a substitute for supervision. PA Position Statements

17 1/3 of the time the center is operating Usually found in indicators in the Good level (5). 7.1117

18 #3. Furnishings for relaxation and comfort Indicator 5.1 #5. Space for privacy Indicator 5.2 #15. Books and pictures Indicator 5.1 #19. Fine motor Indicator 5.1 #20. Art Indicator 5.1 #22. Blocks Indicator 5.4 #24. Dramatic Play Indicator 5.1 #25. Nature/Science Indicator 5.1 #26. Math/Number Indicator 5.1 #34. Schedule Indicator 5.3 #35. Free Play Indicator 5.1 7.1118

19  each and every indicator and the Notes for Clarification  for approximately 3-4 hours.  to interactions and make notes of significant interactions.  score based only on what is observed. 7.1119 Read Observe Listen Record

20  Will not interact with the children.  Will be looking at all materials and may ask to see items stored in closets.  Will be observing routines for hand washing meal/snack and diapering/toileting.  Will need time to ask questions after the observation. 7.1120

21 Facility and Summary Reports  Assume there will be items that score high as well as those that score low  Lower scoring items are those ones you may choose to focus on improving (or not!)  “What is best for our children and families?” 7.1121

22 7.1122

23 All indicators in column 1 must be scored NO (False) to move up, if any are YES (True), score is 1.  STOP SCORING. To receive a score of 3, 5, or 7 all indicators for those columns must be scored YES.  CONTINUE TO NEXT LEVEL. When you answer NO (False) to any indicators in columns 3, 5, or 7 finish ONLY that column and score:  If HALF or MORE are YES (True), go back one point.  If LESS than HALF are YES (True), go back two points. 7.1123

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