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The Project Of International Business Development Dialogue Between Gaziantep and Gipuzkoa Regions ETCF is funded by the European Union.

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Presentation on theme: "The Project Of International Business Development Dialogue Between Gaziantep and Gipuzkoa Regions ETCF is funded by the European Union."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Project Of International Business Development Dialogue Between Gaziantep and Gipuzkoa Regions ETCF is funded by the European Union

2 GAZIANTEP-GIPUZKOA CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE INFO OFFICE The promotion of the info offices made both by local media and email and fax alert systems 42 Questions were answered-28 from Gaziantep-2 from Istanbul-12 from Spain

3 10.000 booklets were produced for promoting the project itself Info about both regions Distribution among organizations in Turkey and Spain

4 23-27 March 2009 Meetings with departments of GCC Meeting with 16 local companies from food, textile, chemistry and machinery 2 company visits EXCHANGE WEEK FOR SPANISH SIDE


6 SPAIN INFO DAY-26th of March 2009,Gaziantep Spanish Trade Attache EU Delegation Expert from Gipuzkoa Chamber DEIK Turkish-Spanish Business Council Training by PEPSI CO Expert Manager 47 company reprsentatives attended


8 Exchange week in San Sebastian 3-8 May 2009 Meeting with 7 companies 2 factory visits Analyzing the departments of Gipuzkoa Chamber

9 23-27th of May 2009 IV. International Expo Gateaway to Iraq Fair in Gaziantep Spanish companies were promoted by brochures, CDS etc Attended with a specially designed stand Around 200 people visited the stand B2B meetings with Iraq and Syrian companies


11 11 June 2009- Gaziantep&Turkey Info Day Turkish Trade Attache Mr. Bahadır Erkan, and Yasemin Korukcu from T.r Invesment Promotion and Support Agency Representative GCC Expert A cooperation aggrement has signed Press conference


13 CONCRETE DEVELOPMENTS Spanish Crayne producer company JASO is negoating with a local company about producing craynes in Gaziantep together and market them to Middle-eastern markets A Company from Gaziantep in the process of analyzing the offer of a Spanish company for becoming their distributor in Turkey for sea food products A Spanish barcode company discussing the matters with an agro-food company for updating their barcode tracing system GCC is currently analyzing the feedback it received from its staff about his exchange week and his observations since the Chamber is also in the process of restructuring its departments.

14 EXPORT DESTINATION:SPAIN Export Assistance service offered by ABİGEM to 9 local Gaziantep companies from textile and food sectors. An expert will be assigned to work within the structure of that company

15 INTERNET SITES, business cooperation databse and www. will be translated in Spanish and Turkish

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