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C o n c e p t Mobile, Web & Game Design By Simon Owens.

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Presentation on theme: "C o n c e p t Mobile, Web & Game Design By Simon Owens."— Presentation transcript:

1 C o n c e p t Mobile, Web & Game Design By Simon Owens

2 Introduction I have used Vision domes, 3-D technology for gaming and the Television lenses on glasses. Now using a technology where images are portrayed on contact lenses. The inspiration for my IME (Immersive Media Environment) the Playstation 3 game, Heavy Rain. It used an augmented reality interface called ARI. This is based on true technology. I researched such technology and found Gestural Computing. This can be linked with the Lenses technology to create a fully immersive media environment.

3 Planning Notes from tutorial where the discussion of more advanced technology came up Augmented Contact Lenses were chosen instead of the 3-D glasses appliance

4 Development of modules People – Process – Future – Concept More and more research enabled the exploration of better technology. From Vision Domes to 3-D Glasses and now Augmented Contact lenses. Tutorials enabled this knowledge to be laid out and researched.

5 People The research into the possibility of using VisionDomes and VRMAX

6 Process Idea of an immersive media environment and 3-D glasses

7 Future Augmented reality and the use of contact lenses

8 Inspiration Heavy Rain used true research and possible future technology to come up with the ARI for a character in the game. All files the character needs is saved in this immersive environment. All hard surfaces such as walls and objects are used as blank canvases for the immersive environment to be portrayed onto.


10 The Technology After my research into electronic glasses, I found a more advanced option of technology. Augmented reality Contact Lenses. Technology being developed by Babak A. Parviz and students from the University of Washington in Seattle. Tiny LED’s and custom built opto-electronic components are used to portray images on the lens in front of the user. When using these lenses, the visions are only semi transparent, therefore the user can see reality as well as the augmented reality on the lenses. Augmented Contact Lenses

11 Concept Art

12 Menu Interface The menu interface is where the user can navigate around their files and applications like a computer. A list comes up of all applications and the user then selects by making a clicking motion (gestural computing) in order to open that application. The interface is then changed to the requested application. This could be a game or television.

13 Application Interface The user will then be shown the immersive gaming environment. This would be controlled by using the experimental technology of gestural computing. This could potentially replace physical gaming consoles and visual screens such as TV or computer monitors.

14 Environment A large part of the idea is to replace TVs and computer monitors. The augmented reality environment would portray these images onto any hard surface in the home or in the streets. Would be space consuming and more personal than openly visual screens Physical hard drives for computers and consoles could possibly be replaced with this technology

15 My idea was to use such technology and Gestural Computing to create an immersive environment similar to that of the ARI created in the Heavy Rain console game Replace physical screens such as Televisions and computer monitors. This could also replace large hard drives for computers and consoles. A more immersive and interactive media environment for the user would enhance the experiences Summary

16 Thank you for listening to my presentation Are there any questions?

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