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Small Signal Model PNP Transistor Section 4.4. BJT in the active region Electrons cross the forward biased BE junction and are swept reverse biased BC.

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Presentation on theme: "Small Signal Model PNP Transistor Section 4.4. BJT in the active region Electrons cross the forward biased BE junction and are swept reverse biased BC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Small Signal Model PNP Transistor Section 4.4

2 BJT in the active region Electrons cross the forward biased BE junction and are swept reverse biased BC junction.

3 Large Signal Model of a BJT Called “large” signal model because this model is applicable even if V BE changes from 300 mV to 800 mV

4 Experiments

5 Transconductance If a signal changes the base-emitter voltage by a small amount, how much change is produced in the collector current ?

6 Illustration of Transconductance

7 But there is something else…. A change in V BE creates a change in base current!

8 Example 4.10 Signal Generated By a microphone Small Signal Equivalent Circuit V BE =800 mV β=100 I S,Q1 =3 x 10 -16 A Question: If a microphone generates a 1 mV signal, how much change is observed in the collector and base current ?

9 A Simple Amplifier Determine the output signal level if the microphone produces a 1 mV signal.

10 AC Ground The voltage produced by a voltage source is constant. The small signal model is concerned only with changes in quantities. Therefore, a DC voltage source must be replaced with a ground in small signal analysis.

11 Example

12 Early Effect A larger reverse bias voltage leads to a larger BC depletion region. The effective base width (WB) is reduced. The slope of the electron profile increases. I C increases as VCE is increased.

13 Early Effect

14 James M. Early

15 Modeling of Early Effect

16 What Doesn’t Change with Early Effect ?

17 Modification of the Small Signal Model

18 Summary

19 A Simple Cadence Example

20 Assumption Assume that 1.The DC at Vout is 0.9 V 2.g m =1 mS Gain is approximately equal to –g m R C. Bias current is I C =g m V t R=(1.8V-0.9V)/26uA=34.6 Kohms Gain is -34.6.

21 DC Bias of the Amplifier

22 Sweep the Base Voltage to Get the IC=26 uA

23 Display the Transconductance

24 Display Transconductance

25 Verify Transconductance (1)

26 Verify Transconductance (2)

27 Transconductance VBIC 562.5 mV25.64 uA 563.5 mV26.64 uA ∆VBE1 mV ∆IC1 uA gm=∆VBE/∆IC1 mS

28 Introduce a Small Signal

29 Calculate Peak to Peak Voltage


31 Peak to Peak Voltage=67.78 mV 67.78 mV/2=33.9


33 PNP Transistors

34 Structures of BJT Transistors (NPN transistor)(PNP transistor)

35 Voltage and Current Polarities of NPN and PNP transistors A “fat” voltage between collector and emitter voltage places a transistor in the active region! A “skinny” voltage between collector and emitter voltage places a transistor in the active region!

36 Large-Signal Model of BJT Transistors (NPN)(PNP)

37 Equations

38 Small Signal Model of BJT Transistors (NPN)(PNP)

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