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The Effects of Sodium Bicarbonate on Carrot Seeds Germination and Effects of Growth The Effects of Sodium Bicarbonate on Carrot Seeds Germination and Effects.

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Presentation on theme: "The Effects of Sodium Bicarbonate on Carrot Seeds Germination and Effects of Growth The Effects of Sodium Bicarbonate on Carrot Seeds Germination and Effects."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Effects of Sodium Bicarbonate on Carrot Seeds Germination and Effects of Growth The Effects of Sodium Bicarbonate on Carrot Seeds Germination and Effects of Growth Clayton Moore Wildlife & Fisheries Major Tennessee Tech University

2 Problem What effects Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda) will have on growth and germination rates in carrot seed? What effects Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda) will have on growth and germination rates in carrot seed?

3 Objectives In determination in the best way for growth and germination rates in carrot seeds In determination in the best way for growth and germination rates in carrot seeds Sodium Bicarbonate vs. Distilled Water Sodium Bicarbonate vs. Distilled Water

4 Introduction Equipped with everything needed to make a new plant a seed simply waits until three vital environmental conditions have been met: water supply, temperature, well oriented living conditions (Capon 1990). Most seeds will of course only germinate between certain temperatures, in this case I used room temperature for my bases. A steady temperature between these limits is recommended-fluctuating temperatures can damage a seedling in its critical early stages. Indeed if a seed is not allowed to germinate (sprout) within some certain length of time, the embryo inside will die. I have not been able to find any ajoining expirement dealing with sodium bicarbonate. Although, throughout its early stages of survival the seedling is completely dependent upon food supplies from the storage structures of seed cotyledons and endosperm (Capon 1990). The seed must be looked upon as a tiny embryonic plant of the new generation, with enough stored food to start it off in life and seeds coats for protection (Swingle 1935). This in accordance makes my accretion that the sodium bicarbonate will not add nutritional value to the process just adding negativity to it. That leads case to my ideals of stunted growth unlike the nutritional value of distilled water. Equipped with everything needed to make a new plant a seed simply waits until three vital environmental conditions have been met: water supply, temperature, well oriented living conditions (Capon 1990). Most seeds will of course only germinate between certain temperatures, in this case I used room temperature for my bases. A steady temperature between these limits is recommended-fluctuating temperatures can damage a seedling in its critical early stages. Indeed if a seed is not allowed to germinate (sprout) within some certain length of time, the embryo inside will die. I have not been able to find any ajoining expirement dealing with sodium bicarbonate. Although, throughout its early stages of survival the seedling is completely dependent upon food supplies from the storage structures of seed cotyledons and endosperm (Capon 1990). The seed must be looked upon as a tiny embryonic plant of the new generation, with enough stored food to start it off in life and seeds coats for protection (Swingle 1935). This in accordance makes my accretion that the sodium bicarbonate will not add nutritional value to the process just adding negativity to it. That leads case to my ideals of stunted growth unlike the nutritional value of distilled water.

5 Hypothesis If increased sodium adds to reduction in the growth in plants, then germinating carrot seeds in a Sodium Bicarbonate solution will reduce the seeds growth along with germination scale. If increased sodium adds to reduction in the growth in plants, then germinating carrot seeds in a Sodium Bicarbonate solution will reduce the seeds growth along with germination scale.

6 Materials Distilled water Distilled water Sodium Bicarbonate Sodium Bicarbonate Carrot Seeds Carrot Seeds Cups Cups Measurement tools Measurement tools

7 Methods This experiment will follow a basis degree of study. This experiment will follow a basis degree of study. 2 tests 2 tests In each run there will be 5 ml of each solution placed on the seeds every other day. In each run there will be 5 ml of each solution placed on the seeds every other day. 5 carrot seeds will be placed into 3 Cups for each solution. 5 carrot seeds will be placed into 3 Cups for each solution. 45 carrot seeds will be used in each run. 45 carrot seeds will be used in each run. Within a 2 week period, the seeds will be evaluated every other day, and seedling growth will be evaluated. Within a 2 week period, the seeds will be evaluated every other day, and seedling growth will be evaluated.

8 Results/Discussion What nutrients and purity had a positive impact on the seeds germination and growth compared concentrations of the Sodium Bicarbonate. What nutrients and purity had a positive impact on the seeds germination and growth compared concentrations of the Sodium Bicarbonate. With distilled water a cause of plant germination within a couple of days and were in great standing green and healthy. With distilled water a cause of plant germination within a couple of days and were in great standing green and healthy. Both concentrations of Sodium Bicarbonate prohibited the seeds to little germinating. Both concentrations of Sodium Bicarbonate prohibited the seeds to little germinating. Sodium Bicarbonate caused the seeds to die and mold in many cases with the slow growth. Sodium Bicarbonate caused the seeds to die and mold in many cases with the slow growth.

9 Tables and Graphs Avg. Length of Sprouts Day 1 Day 3 Day 5 Day 7 Day 9 Day 11 Day 13Day 15 Water00.60.70.920.941.11.41.22 Sodium Bicarbonate High0.0000000 Sodium Bicarbonate Low0.00000000

10 Table

11 Conclusion In conclusion the Sodium Bicarbonate failed greatly. It stunted growth and seeds did not germinate. In conclusion the Sodium Bicarbonate failed greatly. It stunted growth and seeds did not germinate. With distilled water there was a great success. With distilled water there was a great success. My hypothesis was accepted with it sodium conditions were a failure. My hypothesis was accepted with it sodium conditions were a failure.

12 Literature Cited Botany for Gardeners: by Brian Capon An Introduction and Guide pg. 120-25. Plant Life: by D.B. Swingle pg. 119,181 Botany: by: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston vol. 3 pg.260-265 The World of Plants by: Thomas Nelson Encyclopedia of Life Sciences pg 37 Botany Laboratory Manual by: Steiner, Sussman, Wagner pg.124 Laboratory Studies in General Botany by: William Carlton pg.3,4

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