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SiGe Meeting, Geneva 1 Fast Silicon Sensors. SiGe Meeting, Geneva Fast sensors 2 N-well P-substrate Time.

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Presentation on theme: "SiGe Meeting, Geneva 1 Fast Silicon Sensors. SiGe Meeting, Geneva Fast sensors 2 N-well P-substrate Time."— Presentation transcript:

1 SiGe Meeting, Geneva 1 Fast Silicon Sensors

2 SiGe Meeting, Geneva Fast sensors 2 N-well P-substrate Time

3 SiGe Meeting, Geneva Fast sensors 3 NMOSPMOS N-well P-substrate Time

4 SiGe Meeting, Geneva Fast sensors 4 Time 20-40ps 500ps Information T1,A1 T2,A2 T3,A3

5 SiGe Meeting, Geneva Fast sensors 5 N-well P-substrate Time NPN

6 SiGe Meeting, Geneva Fast sensors 6 Time ~60ps Information T1

7 SiGe Meeting, Geneva Fast sensors 7 N-well P-substrate Time VDD+~2V GND

8 SiGe Meeting, Geneva Fast sensors 8 Time ~60ps

9 SiGe Meeting, Geneva AMS ams 0.35µm SiGe-BiCMOS process is based on the proven 0.35µm mixed-signal CMOS process and includes an additional high performance analog oriented SiGe HBT transistor module. This advanced RF-process offers high-speed HBT-transistors with excellent analog performance such as high fmax and low noise as well as complementary MOS transistors with the option of 5V I/O CMOS transistors. Accurately modeled high linear precision capacitors are available as Poly1 / Poly2 or Metal2 / Metal3 versions. The modular integration of linear resistors, high quality varactors and thick Metal 4 spiral inductors makes this process ideally suitable for a wide range of high performance RF applications up to 20 Gb/s. 9

10 SiGe Meeting, Geneva Fast sensors 10

11 SiGe Meeting, Geneva Fast sensors 11

12 SiGe Meeting, Geneva Fast sensors 12

13 SiGe Meeting, Geneva Fast sensors 13 N-well P-substrate Time NPN +50V 0V

14 SiGe Meeting, Geneva … 14

15 SiGe Meeting, Geneva IHP A high-performance 0.25 µm technology with npn-HBTs up to fT/fmax= 180/220 GHz. SG25H3: A 0.25 µm technology with a set of npn-HBTs ranging from a higher RF performance (fT/fmax= 110 GHz/180 GHz) to higher breakdown voltages up to 7 V. SGB25V: A cost-effective technology with a set of npn-HBTs up to a breakdown voltage of 7 V. SG13S: A high-performance 0.13 µm BiCMOS with npn-HBTs up to fT / fmax= 250/300 GHz, with 3.3 V I/O CMOS and 1.2 V logic CMOS. SG13G2: A 0.13 µm BiCMOS technologies with same device portfolio as SG13S but much higher bipolar performance with fT/fmax = 300/500 GHz The backend offers 3 (SG13: 5) thin and 2 thick metal layers (TM1: 2 µm, TM2: 3 µm). The following Modules are available GD: Additional integrated complementary RF LDMOS devices with nLDMOS up to 22 V, pLDMOS up to -16 V breakdown voltage and an isolated nLDMOS device. (available in SGB25V) H3P: Additional pnp-HBTs with fT/fmax = 90/120 GHz for complementary bipolar applications. (available in SG25H3) RF-MEMS switch: Additional capacitive MEMS switch devices for frequencies between 30 GHz to 100 GHz. (available in SG25H1 and SG25H3 technology) LBE: The Localized Backside Etching module is offered to remove silicon locally to improve passive performance. (available in all technologies) 15

16 SiGe Meeting, Geneva PET PET – Detector for PET/MR n10 -8 s 

17 SiGe Meeting, Geneva 17 Signal I ~ n Ph1,2 Ph3,4 Ph4 Ph_n Schwelle 1mV~10ns ~100ps

18 SiGe Meeting, Geneva 18 Readout channel

19 SiGe Meeting, Geneva 19 TC5 A5A4A3A2 A1 TC4TC3 ThN ThP TC2TC1 (B) CM FB (A) Diff. FB (C) Preamplifier AC(D) DCL buffer DCL V CM In Out Trans-conductor (TCi) 2I FB 2I 0 I tune Amplifier stage (Ai) M2M2* Amplifier

20 SiGe Meeting, Geneva 20 IR0 IR1 IR2 IRn TSR2 TSR1 TSR0 Threshold Hit StartStop Input Comparator Integrator Start ADC Fine/Coarse TS DO(TS) Comp - S R PIn Ld SIn SOut CkPInQ CNT SIn SOut Ck Q DAC Ld CTSn CTS2 CTS1 CTS0 FTS3 FTS2 FTS1 RCk Ck CCk DO(I) RCk Hit ClearHit + GTh Ld ConfIn ComparatorHit LogicIntegratorTS LatchCMOSDACs FTS0 FTS1 FTS0 FTS1 FTS0 FTS2 FTS1 FTS0 FTS2 FTS3 FTS1 FTS0 FTS2 FTS3 CTS0 CTSn CTS2 CTS1 CTS0 FTS3 FTS2 FTS1 FTS0 3 4 5 Comp IR0 IR1 IR2 IRn TSR2 TSR1 TSR0 IR0 IR1 IR2 IRn TSR2 TSR1 TSR0 IThn ITh2 ITh1 ITh0 CThn CTh0 Readout

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