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Stimulating environments for Professional Development and innovation in Schools By Professor Åsa Morberg, Dean of faculty, University of Gävle.

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Presentation on theme: "Stimulating environments for Professional Development and innovation in Schools By Professor Åsa Morberg, Dean of faculty, University of Gävle."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stimulating environments for Professional Development and innovation in Schools By Professor Åsa Morberg, Dean of faculty, University of Gävle

2  What is Climate?  Who participated?  Knowledge production for whom?  Theoretical background  The result  What did we do?  Why Climate?  Voices from participants and leaders  To sum up

3  Climate is the acronym for Contextual Learning in Management and Teaching.  Climate is a Comenius multilateral project  Under lifelong Learning Programme of the European Commission  Carried out in RDC 9 (13) of ATEE  Partcipants from Belgum, Germany, the Netherlands, Slovenia, Sweden and Tallin,

4  Colleges from RDC 9 In service learning and teachers in working team from schools in the countries  Belgum,  Germany,  Slovenia,  Sweden,  The Netherlands.

5  Teacher traineers  School managers  Head of department  Teachers  School advisors  Consultants  Colleges in other countries

6  Historical overview  Knowledge productivity  Corporate curriculum – organizational plan for learning, a set of work conditions they will experiences  Turn a work environment in to a learning environment – work place learning

7  Experiences of different kind  Concepts  Instruments  Strategies to make schools and work unit more effective and productive learning environments for teachers

8  The main instrument of the Project was a validated questionnaire, that investigated:  Professional learning processes,  Element in the work environment (the corporate curriculum)  Performance in the area of coping with diversity  which can be applied by work-units in schools, for examples teachers in one subject, of one class or of a certain level

9  The questionnaire is an instrument for teachers to analyze their own work environment in order to explore if and to what extent it is a learning environment to teachers in schools.  A detailed feedback report was given to the work units stimulates the development of action plans for further improvment.

10  ” it is an eye-opener to fill in this questionnaire. It shows how we could cooperate ….Better!”  ” The feedback report was revealing.”  We have decided to invest more time in collective problem solving.”

11  Some examples om experiences from the Project leaders  Slovenia  The Netherlands  Sweden

12  Comparative projects are very useful  To compare your country, with another country, or even compare within your own country is productive.  Many new aspects on professional development came up  New aspects on School Development  The questionnaire can be used

13  Visit the Climate webbsite  ”Plato Climate”  If you like to use the questionnaire you may contact PLATO at Leiden University

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