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Based on the work of Heidi Hayes Jacobs and Susan Udelhofen

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1 Based on the work of Heidi Hayes Jacobs and Susan Udelhofen
Curriculum Mapping Pam Lange Based on the work of Heidi Hayes Jacobs and Susan Udelhofen

2 escWorks: Please Create Account
This planning guide is to assist you as you plan for your building data retreat. It shows the handouts, discussion guides, and reports that we used and how we printed them.

3 Curriculum Mapping Goal
Curriculum Goal: By the end of 2009, K-12 staff will curriculum map three or more content areas using TechPaths software. Purpose is to get the district organized to begin or continue the curriculum mapping process. This is what is going to pull all of the initiatives together. We did a snapshot last year and was able to find some gaps, using the reports on TechPaths can really pull that out. The different focuses at each building, by the end of the year everyone should be at the same place or level. Oct 5 expectation – this is what we will do on Oct Pur

4 Considerations for a Quality Map
Unit Essential Questions Content Skills Assessments Standards

5 Lesson Plans VS Mapping
Ongoing process What we are actually teaching What students are actually learning Daily vs Monthly

6 Unit Broad Noun Think of the unit name as being a “title” of a book
Examples: Number Sense Thomas Jefferson: His Presidency Core Standard: Example 7.R.1.2

7 Content Content is written beginning with a noun.
Content is the vehicle by which you teach the skills. Content is key concepts, facts, or events. Content is the essential concepts and topics covered during a month.  

8 Content topics/concepts/issues/problems/themes Math examples:
Addition and subtraction facts Estimation Place value Polynomial functions Probability and statistics Language Arts examples: Paragraph writing Personal narrative writing Othello Short stories (including specific titles) Poetry (including the specific type) Social Studies examples: Manifest destiny Environment Citizenship Communities United States Constitution Science examples: Photosynthesis Cells Scientific measurement Atomic structure Plants What is Content? Content is expressed as nouns and can be a topic, theme, specific unit of study, title of book, or concept. Examples of content include: Math examples: Addition and subtraction facts Estimation Place value Polynomial functions Probability and statistics Integers Language Arts examples: Paragraph writing Personal narrative writing Othello Short stories (including specific titles) Poetry (including the specific type) Spelling Social Studies examples: Manifest destiny Progressive era Environment Citizenship Communities United States Constitution Science examples: Photosynthesis Cells Scientific measurement Scientific notation Atomic structure Plants

9 Content Examples: 3-D Shapes: Sphere, Cone, Cylinder
Poetry: Haiku, Diamante

10 Skills Skills are written as Action Verbs (See handout)
Precise skills can be assessed, observed and described in specific terms. Identifies what you really want students to be able to do. Skills are key abilities and processes students will develop related to specific content. This is often the most challenging aspect of mapping. The skills are what the kids do to learn the content!

11 Action Verbs Research Respond Retrieve Review Revise Role-play Search
Seek Select Show Solve Structure Support Synthesize Teach Test Translate Use Utilize Write Adapt Adjust Analyze Apply Appraise Argue Articulate Ask Assess Build Calculate Challenge Check Classify Clarify Collect Combine Compare Complete Compute Conclude Conduct Connect Consider Contrast Construct Correct Create Critique Decide Deduce Defend Define Demonstrate Derive Describe Design Detect Develop Devise Differentiate Discuss Display Distinguish Document Engage Establish Estimate Evaluate Examine Exhibit Experiment Explain Explore Express Find Generalize Help Identify Illustrate Incorporate Induce Inquire Inspect Instruct Integrate Interact Interpret Invent Investigate Judge Justify Label Locate List Model Modify Monitor Organize Participate Perform Plan Predict Present Prioritize Produce Propose Prove Pursue Question Rate Reason Recognize Reflect Represent

12 Examples of Precise Skills
finding main idea and supporting details alphabetizing to the second letter identify subjects and predicates interpret data represented in a graph identify root words, suffixes and prefixes label the parts of a friendly letter explain the difference between fact and opinion compare and contrast the benefits, costs and limitations of nuclear power define the hypothesis and conclusion of an “if-then” statement

13 Skills VS Activity Skill is what we want the students to be able to do
Activity provides practice concerning a skill

14 Standards Aligned to the unit
Align the standards that you are “assessing”. Can you show if the student mastered the standard with the skill/s you are teaching? Not what standards you are “touching on” Intentional versus incidential

15 Assessments Include all forms of assessments
Crucial component of the maps Often the least developed, inclusive or balanced Include all classroom assessments Summative (Of Assessments) Formative (For Assessments) Observable evidence that learning has occurred Written as nouns

16 Summative and Formative Assessment
Assessment of Learning (Summative Assessment): How much have students learned as of a particular point in time? Assessment for Learning (Formative Assessment): How can we use assessments to help students learn more? There are two different assessments that we are going to talk about—Assessment of Learning and Assessment for Learning. It is important to understand the difference in the two. They are sometimes referred to as summative and formative assessments. This is partially true, but we are going to be using the terms Assessment of Learning and Assessment for Learning.

17 Good Luck If you have questions, please contact Pam Lange at

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