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Computer Memory Chips Vs. Human Memory Computer Memory Chips Vs. Human Memory Agenda Introduction What does ( memory ) mean ? Brain memory V.S computer.

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Presentation on theme: "Computer Memory Chips Vs. Human Memory Computer Memory Chips Vs. Human Memory Agenda Introduction What does ( memory ) mean ? Brain memory V.S computer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computer Memory Chips Vs. Human Memory Computer Memory Chips Vs. Human Memory Agenda Introduction What does ( memory ) mean ? Brain memory V.S computer memory !? Brain memory revolution

2 Introduction E veryday, we all use computers and store enormous amount of data for further processing, we also have memory storage facilities in mobile phones, play stations & televisions too This started from calculators and the most recent flash memories. Recently with the rise of external hard disk the memory capacity storage has become almost infinite

3 What does ( memory ) mean ? In psychology, it is an organism's mental ability to store, retain, and recall information. In psychology, it is an organism's mental ability to store, retain, and recall information. From an information processing perspective there are three main stages in the formation and retrieval of memory. From an information processing perspective there are three main stages in the formation and retrieval of memory.

4 three main stages in the formation and retrieval of memory Encoding receiving, processing and combining of received information. storage creation of a record of the permanent encoded information.Retrival calling back the stored information in response to some cue for use in a process or activity.


6 Human Brain: The Power House of Everything.! S o far, we have never heard of anybody's brain being "overloaded" because it has ran out of memory. Human Brain weighs more than electronic memory storage devices. It is bigger too. It may be slower in performing some calculations than computers. It may not perform all automated jobs that a computer performs.

7 Human Brain: The Power House of Everything.! We all know that the memory of the brain is not absolute (the average brain can hold about 100 million megabytes of memory !!!). It does not have set files or directories that can be deleted, copied or archived like those of a computer. For example, a particular person who thought he had memorized a telephone number for good suddenly realizes he can't recall the number. But some half-a-day later, he may suddenly recall the number again.) It is a strange phenomenal that we still can't really explain

8 Human Brain: The Power House of Everything.! The beauty of Human Brain is it can analyze, integrate, decide, learn, teach etc... And many such things which computer memories can't. The computer memory can hold various details, but cannot understand. For eg; It can get the details of Sun in few micro-seconds, but it cannot understand or see the Sun. It can calculate and store distance between stars and planets, but it doesn't know what they are..! It can save data and store complicated records, but Human Brain creates a purpose for those data. The improvements in every inch of the memory storage devices are done with Human Brains, but all these developments are for the Humans, by the Humans.

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