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Professional Development Wednesday, August 26, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Professional Development Wednesday, August 26, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Professional Development Wednesday, August 26, 2015

2 Today’s Agenda  Systems Training: Atlas and McRel Walkthroughs 8:00-9:30  BREAK  Session 1: Instructional Best Practices, Group A 10-12  LUNCH BREAK (on your own)  Session 2: Instructional Best Practices, Group B 1:30-3  ADJOURN

3 Norms Be Respectful of whomever is Speaking Be Respectful with your Cell Phone Use Be Respectful of Time

4 Building Student Learning Maps on Atlas

5 Lesson Essential Question:  How do we build Student Learning Maps on Atlas?

6  Go to https://laurelk12.rubiconatlas.org  Enter your full email address  Your temporary password is learning  You will be prompted to change your password once you’ve logged in for the first time

7 From there, you’ll see your “My Atlas” dashboard; go to the “Develop” tab; all of your courses have already been entered (may not be 100% accurate for next year at this point):

8 Next, select the “Unit Calendar” tab, enter the name of your unit, and use the drop down menu to note how many weeks this unit is planned for:

9 Once done naming the unit and determining how many weeks it will be taught, click on the Unit Title to start developing the unit; the first step is entering “Key Learning” and the UEQ for the unit:

10 Scrolling down, you’ll enter the Topics/Concepts for the unit:

11 Following this, you enter the standards for the entire unit; you will find all standards on the drop down menu. Simply click on the standards in the drop down that are addressed in the unit (Group II educators need to also include CCSS Literacy Standards):




15 Next, you enter the Lesson Essential Question for each Concept:

16 Scrolling down, you now enter the Academic Vocabulary for each Concept:

17 Finally, you enter a Transfer Task for each Topic/Concept:

18 After titling the Transfer Task, use the drop down for “Assessment Method”*For each Transfer Task, indicate what form of Writing students will be engaged in

19 Next, use the “Assessment Type” drop down to identify what Topic/Concept this Transfer Task is related to: Topic/Concept 1,Topic/Concept 2, etc., Remember, there should be a Transfer Task for each Topic/Concept

20 Finally, you use the “Assessment Description” field to enter the complete scenario of your Transfer Task, including what multiple textual resources will be used.

21 Sample Transfer Task (Scenario): In celebration of the Fall 2014 release of George Lucas’ latest Star Wars film, Star Wars Episode VII, the Daily Times is holding a contest for Delmarva students only, to see who can write the next, great Hero’s Journey. Use the Hero’s Journey timeline handout, as well as the article from George Lucas entitled, “Hitmaker,” to complete the task. Be sure to include each task of the Hero’s Journey within your story.

22 Differentiating the Unit Developed mainly for Special Education teachers to differentiate instruction. Click on “Add New Differentiated Task.”

23 The Lesson Task, Description, and Services, Aids, and Modifications will pop up. Specific accommodations/ modifications have been developed in one drop down for each of these

24 The Lesson Task, Description, and Services, Aids, and Modifications will pop up.

25 After saving, you can click on the “View Services” link to see how each Transfer Task has been differentiated for each SWD


27 ① Learning is not an accident ② To Share is to Prepare ③ Professional Feedback (Planning Analysis)

28 Using Atlas Reports to Drive PLCs All teachers and admin have access to the same reports: across both schools, across all subject areas, across all grade levels

29 1 1 st Screen: 1: by checking “show empty rows,” all standards will be shown 2: for a standard to be “assessed” it needs to be checked in “Transfer Tasks” 3: Of the 95 standards in 6 th Gr. ELA CCSS, 51 have been targeted so far 3 2

30 1 1: Having this checked is good info, as it shows you immediately, what standards ARE and ARE NOT being targeted; however it shows all standards for all content areas and grade levels; Uncheck to view Targeted Standards only

31 1 1: Now will only see standards being targeted, but it still shows all standards for all content areas for all grades—MUST FILTER 2: But first, by clicking on gray or white bar will show you standards targeted and standards not targeted for each content in each grade 3: Clicking on the + will break down how each of the Grade Level Content Standards has been targeted 2 3

32 We quickly see that of the 51 Targeted Standards in 6 th Grade ELA: 6 come from the Literature strand 6 come from the Informational Text strand 19 come from the Writing strand 8 come from the Speaking and Listening strand 12 come from the Language strand

33 1 1: Let’s click on the gray portion of the bar in the Literature strand to see what 6 of the 10 standards have been targeted and by whom:

34 1: We see what 6 standards in the Lit strand that Alison and Tacy HAVE TARGETED 1 1 1 1 1

35 By clicking on the white portion of the bar in the Lit strand, I can see what standards have NOT been targeted 1

36 We see the 5 CCSS in the Lit strand that have NOT been targeted 1 1 1 1 1

37 1). FILTER by: Standards, Keyword, Courses, or Assessments 2). LIST by: Standards, School, Grades, Subjects, Teachers, Etc Use Filter (1) and List (2) drop downs in concert with one another to focus search on what type of report you want inside of STANDARDS ANALYSIS Tool 1 2 1 1 1

38 Let’s try working the Filter and List tools in concert with one another: 1: Let’s see how we are teaching the CCSS Literacy standards across grades 6-12 1

39 1. I use the Filter Standards by Subject Area to select CCSS Literacy in SS, Science and Technical Subjects 6- 12 2.I click the submit button to run the report 3.Because the List drop down is still on STANDARDS it will show me how many of the 48 6-12 Literacy Standards have been targeted district-wide 1 2 3

40 1.I see that 9-10 Grade teachers have targeted 28/48 2.I see that 11-12 Grade teachers have targeted 10/47 1 2

41 1. By simply changing the drop down from “Standards” to “Subjects” now, I can see what subject areas are targeting the 6-12 Literacy Standards 1

42 1. Only Science, Social Studies, and Special Education are targeting these Standards; Let’s use the List drop down menu again to see what Teachers in these subject areas are targeting these standards 1

43 1. I’ve done a lot of work on this one report to share with my PLC; I should Save It to My Reports; I click on Actions in the top right 2. I can click the “Save” icon to save it to My Reports 3. I can click the “Pin to My Atlas” to save it on My Atlas Dashboard 4. Whichever option I choose, I need to Name the Report 4 1 2 3

44 1 2 1. I have Saved the Report AND 2. I have also pinned it to My Atlas Dashboard

45 1 2 There’s my saved report, right on my dashboard. To continue to view it with my PLC, I simply have to click on it.





50 H E A T


52 H E A T

53 In the two literacy “Look-Fors” Templates, the only section that is different is “Core Actions” (2 more that are foundation-based in PK-2)

54 H E A T


56 All teachers should receive emails of their walkthrough immediately after the administrator leaves the classroom






62 You visit Mr. Mason’s Social Studies classroom at 9:30, about 5 minutes into the period. You gather that students have just finished up studying two events in American history: Pearl Harbor and 9/11. “Please inform your reader how the events were similar,” Mr. Mason says as he passes out a graphic organizer. “This is an independent exercise,” Mr. Mason confirms as students receive their graphic organizers, begin poring through their notes, and detailing events on the handout. A few minutes later, you leave the classroom. Walkthrough Calibration Activity

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