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“Our education is primarily characterized by authenticity, research and international- isation. Students develop their talents in an authentic learning.

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Presentation on theme: "“Our education is primarily characterized by authenticity, research and international- isation. Students develop their talents in an authentic learning."— Presentation transcript:


2 “Our education is primarily characterized by authenticity, research and international- isation. Students develop their talents in an authentic learning environment, based on the reality, dynamics and challenges of the labour market.” Bert Hoogewijs Principal “Our educational model has evolved towards an approach where students actively gather both generic and professional competences in authentic learning situations.” Frans Verheeke Chairman to the Board of Governors

3 “University College Ghent strives to excel in education, research, service provision and practice of the arts. Through the expertise of its staff and graduates and the valorization of its research, University College Ghent is making a valuable contribution to a critical, creative and open society.” Mission statement

4 Facts & Figures 18.000 students 2000 staff members 43.000 alumni

5 Structure

6 Faculties Education, Health and Social Work Life Sciences and Technology Business and Information Management Royal Academy of Fine Arts & Royal Conservatory

7 Faculties Applied Engineering Sciences Applied Bioscience Engineering Applied Language Studies Business Administration and Public Administration

8 Other Central administration Centre for Entrepreneurship Sovoreg vzw: student facilities Sports centre

9 Education

10 education primarily characterized by: authenticity research internationalisation the lecturer is a specialist, teacher, researcher and coach Education vision

11 299 degree students with foreign nationality 205 incoming exchange students 354 outgoing exchange students 339 international partnerships English study programmes Internationalisation

12 Data 2010 Student population per field of study

13 Data 2010 Student population

14 three halls of residence restaurants & cafetarias sports centre (3000 m²) bicycles for hire learning centres Facilities

15 general assistance → psychosocial, legal, … financial support student counseling graduation → graduation fair, vacancy database Support

16 Research & service provision

17 nearly 500 researchers 150 researchers working on their PhD Research

18 applied research arts research research budget € 16 million Research

19 Data 2010 Research projects

20 made-to-measure service provision non-profit organisations, government, corporations,... various domains contract research, consultancy, tariffed service provision,... Service provision

21 Labour market

22 closely associated with internships continuing education (for/by companies, organisations & institutions) projects as commissioner research in steering committees Labour market


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