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Air Quality Aspects for Construction Projects Subcontractor On Boarding Series 05/2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Air Quality Aspects for Construction Projects Subcontractor On Boarding Series 05/2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Air Quality Aspects for Construction Projects Subcontractor On Boarding Series 05/2012

2 Air Emissions from SLAC Operations ESH Manual Chapter 30: Air Quality –Exhibits for specific program elements –Templates for recordkeeping included SLAC has an “umbrella” air permit –Covers all onsite emissions from various sources Combustion Chemical Treatment Evaporation / Curing Refrigeration / Insulation

3 Typical Emissions Sources Combustion –Generators/ Heavy Equipment Chemical Treatment –Solvent cleaners, degreasers Evaporation / Curing –Paints, coating, epoxies, adhesives, etc. Refrigeration / Insulation –Freon, Off gassing

4 SLAC Air Quality Programs

5 Regulated under statewide program Voluntary program Focus on diesel engines >50 HP Registered for 3 years Operate equipment anywhere in CA Provide copy of PERP registration to SLAC Non-SLAC Portable Equipment

6 Demolition / Renovation Notify the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD), if required Notification fee paid by ESH Include project start and end dates Notice signed by person performing work Mandatory waiting period –10 working days

7 Demolition / Renovation D EMOLITION : Removal of a load-bearing structural member Buildings, usually Notify BAAQMD of all demolitions -- with or without asbestos! R ENOVATION : Removal of As- containing material (ACM) from a structural member Sheet rock, floor tiles Notify BAAQMD of all renovations exceeding thresholds with friable asbestos

8 No-Idling Policy Statewide law for commercial vehicles SLAC Policy: T URN ENGINES OFF –Whenever vehicle is stopped for >60 seconds –Applies to all vehicles while onsite Personal, commercial and industrial –Exemption for special circumstances Emergency vehicles

9 Haas system provides ‘single portal’ Paints, coatings, solvents, epoxies, adhesives B E AWARE OF BETTER ALTERNATIVES –Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP) –Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) content “Low VOC” – typically, <300 grams/liter –Ozone-Depleting Substances (ODSs) –Greenhouse gases (GHGs) Allowances for mission-critical operations Hazmat Purchasing

10 Recordkeeping and Submittals Prior to start of work –Pre-Work Hazmat List, w/MSDSs During project: monthly logs –Hazmat use –Fuel consumption –Operating hours for portable equipment Upon completion of work –Chemical Use Report Templates available on ESH website

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