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Create your own outlook short cuts on the desktop By – Syed abbas.

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Presentation on theme: "Create your own outlook short cuts on the desktop By – Syed abbas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Create your own outlook short cuts on the desktop By – Syed abbas

2 About outlook short cut on desktop  What does it mean by creating an outlook shortcut on desktop?  Without having opening the Outlook window we can create new e-mail, new notes and new contacts.

3 How to create outlook short cut  We can do this by changing running Outlook with a set of different command line switches  Create an outlook shortcut icon on you desktop  Right click on the shortcut icon you will notice the path for outlook in target text box(e.g. “C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\OUTLOOK.EXE” /recycle )

4 Steps to create outlook short cut  What we want to do now is change the parameter  Delete the /recycle or whatever is after the OUTLOOK.EXE” and replace it with any of the following depending on what you want it to do

5 Set Parameters For a new Email Message For a new pre-addressed email /c ipm.note /c ipm.note/m “,

6 Set Parameters For a new note /c ipm.stickynote For a new contact /c

7 Set Parameters For a new appointment /c ipm.appointment For a new task /c ipm.task

8 Out look short cut is ready to work  Now click OK, go ahead and rename your shortcut to something more appropriate.  You can configure lots of command lines switches to do a lot more than just the above-mentioned ones by going to the “ us/outlook/HP010031101033.aspx”


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