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Transportation leadership you can trust. presented to Safety Data Analysis Tools Workshop presented by Krista Jeannotte Cambridge Systematics, Inc. March.

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Presentation on theme: "Transportation leadership you can trust. presented to Safety Data Analysis Tools Workshop presented by Krista Jeannotte Cambridge Systematics, Inc. March."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transportation leadership you can trust. presented to Safety Data Analysis Tools Workshop presented by Krista Jeannotte Cambridge Systematics, Inc. March 27, 2006 IDAS – ITS Deployment Analysis System and Analysis Tools for Planning for Operations

2 1 What is IDAS? ITS Deployment Analysis System (IDAS) FHWA sponsored software program released May 2000 A sketch-planning tool to estimate ITS benefit and cost impacts, for over 60 types of ITS investments, in isolation or in combination with other deployments Assists public agencies with integrating the deployment of ITS into the transportation planning process Relies on traditional MPO travel demand model outputs to construct data inputs

3 2 Why was IDAS developed? Provide a sketch-planning analysis capability for analyzing alternative ITS deployment scenarios and for testing tradeoffs of traditional highway and transit infrastructure options Design a system which is consistent with the functional, technical, and resource requirements of state, regional, and local agencies Develop a tool which assists agencies in integrating ITS into the planning process Make IDAS compatible with current transportation planning models and outputs

4 3 Regional Multimodal Traveler Information Freeway Management Arterial Management Advanced Public Transportation Systems Electronic Toll Collection Electronic Fare Payment Incident Management Emergency Management Railroad Grade Crossings Types of ITS Components in IDAS Advanced Vehicle Control and Safety Systems Supporting and Generic Deployments Commercial Vehicle Operations

5 4 - Capacity Analysis - Impact Evaluation - B/C Analysis TDMIDAS - Mode Choice - Assignment - Capacity Analysis - Network - Data - Technology - Network - Data IDAS is a Postprocessor and Extender to the Travel Demand Model (TDM)

6 5 IDAS Input Data Analysis Network – Output from travel demand model Node coordinates Link characteristics Turn prohibitor (optional) Origin-destination (O-D) number of trips Zone-to-zone travel times (optional for in-vehicle auto trips) Default Parameters, Impacts, and Costs – User may adjust Speed-flow curves Rates (emissions, fuel, safety) Impacts of ITS options Dollar value of benefits Unit cost of equipment

7 6 IDAS Performance Measure Outputs Systemwide performance measures including Mobility Travel time Travel time reliability Accidents (fatality, injury, property damage) Emissions (HC, CO, NOx, PM10) Fuel use Agency efficiency Costs (capital and operating & maintenance) Benefit/cost Viewed by Market sector (mode) Facility type District (user defined)

8 7 How IDAS Works User imports data from the travel demand model to recreate the model network within the IDAS software

9 8 How IDAS Works User builds alternatives by choosing from a menu of over 60 types of ITS components and deploying them on the network in isolation or in any combination IDAS maintains a database of system impacts and costs related to each type of deployment

10 9 How IDAS Works IDAS performs internal network assignment, mode choice and other analysis (e.g., safety) to estimate impacts of ITS IDAS reports outputs in terms of the incremental change in performance measures and the annual benefit/costs

11 10 How IDAS Works IDAS reports outputs in terms of the incremental change in performance measures and the annual benefit/costs

12 11 How IDAS Works IDAS reports outputs in terms of the incremental change in performance measures and the annual benefit/costs

13 12 ITS Benefit Library

14 13 IDAS – Advantage and Disadvantages Advantages Includes safety analysis for investments in ITS/operations  Mode (auto, truck)  Facility (freeway, arterial)  By V/C ratio Default safety rates are user modifiable for local conditions Use of validated travel demand model data adds credibility and consistency with planning process Disadvantages Requires travel demand model Effort required for initial setup and validation Safety rates not adjustable down to link level

15 14 IDAS – For More Information IDAS web site at About IDAS What’s New FAQs/User Tips Documentation Case Studies Contacts

16 FHWA Improving the Application of Existing Methods to Advance Transportation Operations

17 16 Objectives Synthesize current practices in the use and application of technical tools and methods for planning-level analysis and evaluation of operations improvements Provide information, direction, and benefits on the possible use of innovative applications and methods Study real-world application and use of innovative applications and methods for planning analysis and evaluation of operations improvements Develop easy-to-follow reference and resource materials

18 17 Key Safety Related Findings/Challenges Current planning practices do not typically recognize non-recurring delay or its causes (e.g., incidents, construction, weather, special events, etc.) which is estimated at 50-60 percent of total delay Traditional planning methods not typically sensitive to many of the benefits associated with operational improvements (e.g., non-recurring congestion, safety)

19 18 Recommended Innovative Methods Estimate delays by source (e.g., incidents) to help identify strategies that target the types of delay Include safety in needs identification Guidance on which operational strategies help address safety deficiencies Post-process safety analysis (similar to current emissions analysis)

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