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Grid Glasgow Outline LHC Computing at a Glance Glasgow Starting Point LHC Computing Challenge CPU Intensive Applications Timeline ScotGRID.

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Presentation on theme: "Grid Glasgow Outline LHC Computing at a Glance Glasgow Starting Point LHC Computing Challenge CPU Intensive Applications Timeline ScotGRID."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grid Development @ Glasgow Outline LHC Computing at a Glance Glasgow Starting Point LHC Computing Challenge CPU Intensive Applications Timeline ScotGRID EDG TestBed 1 Status Middleware –Overview of SAM –Spitfire - Security Mechanism –Optor – replica optimiser simulation –Monitoring Prototype Hardware +Software +People Summary

2 Grid Team Hardware Software System Middleware Applications Hardware See David.. # working

3 LHC Computing at a Glance The investment in LHC computing will be massive –LHC Review estimated 240MCHF –80MCHF/y afterwards These facilities will be distributed –Political as well as sociological and practical reasons Europe: 267 institutes, 4603 users Elsewhere: 208 institutes, 1632 users

4 Rare Phenomena – Huge Background 9 orders of magnitude! The HIGGS All interactions

5 CPU Requirements Complex events –Large number of signals –“good” signals are covered with background Many events –10 9 events/experiment/year –1- 25 MB/event raw data –several passes required  Need world-wide: 7*10 6 SPECint95 (3*10 8 MIPS)

6 LHC Computing Challenge Tier2 Centre ~1 TIPS Online System Offline Farm ~20 TIPS CERN Computer Centre >20 TIPS RAL Regional Centre US Regional Centre French Regional Centre Italian Regional Centre Institute Institute ~0.25TIPS Workstations ~100 MBytes/sec 100 - 1000 Mbits/sec One bunch crossing per 25 ns 100 triggers per second Each event is ~1 Mbyte Physicists work on analysis “channels” Glasgow has ~10 physicists working on one or more channels Data for these channels is cached by the Glasgow server Physics data cache ~PBytes/sec ~ Gbits/sec or Air Freight Tier2 Centre ~1 TIPS ~Gbits/sec Tier 0 Tier 1 Tier 3 Tier 4 1 TIPS = 25,000 SpecInt95 PC (1999) = ~15 SpecInt95 ScotGRID++ ~1 TIPS Tier 2

7 Starting Point

8 CPU Intensive Applications Numerically intensive simulations: –Minimal input and output data ATLAS Monte Carlo (gg H bb) 182 sec/3.5 Mb event on 1000 MHz linux box Standalone physics applications: 1. Simulation of neutron/photon/electron interactions for 3D detector design 2. NLO QCD physics simulation CompilerSpeed (MFlops) Fortran (g77) 27 C (gcc)43 Java (jdk)41 Compiler Tests:

9 Timeline 2002200520042003 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Prototype of Hybrid Event Store (Persistency Framework) Hybrid Event Store available for general users Distributed production using grid services First Global Grid Service (LCG-1) available Distributed end-user interactive analysis Full Persistency Framework LCG-1 reliability and performance targets “50% prototype” (LCG-3) available LHC Global Grid TDR applications grid ScotGRID ~ 300 CPUs + ~ 50 TBytes

10 ScotGRID ScotGRID Processing nodes at Glasgow 59 IBM X Series 330 dual 1 GHz Pentium III with 2GB memory 2 IBM X Series 340 dual 1 GHz Pentium III with 2GB memory and dual ethernet 3 IBM X Series 340 dual 1 GHz Pentium III with 2GB memory and 100 + 1000 Mbit/s ethernet 1TB disk LTO/Ultrium Tape Library Cisco ethernet switches ScotGRID Storage at Edinburgh IBM X Series 370 PIII Xeon with 512 MB memory 32 x 512 MB RAM 70 x 73.4 GB IBM FC Hot-Swap HDD CDF equipment at Glasgow 8 x 700 MHz Xeon IBM xSeries 370 4 GB memory 1 TB disk Griddev testrig at Glasgow 4 x 233 MHz Pentium II

11 EDG TestBed 1 Status Web interface showing status of (~400) servers at testbed 1 sites GRID extend to all expts

12 Glasgow within the Grid

13 GridPP EDG - UK Contributions Architecture Testbed-1 Network Monitoring Certificates & Security Storage Element R-GMA LCFG MDS deployment GridSite SlashGrid Spitfire Optor GridPP Monitor Page =Glasgow element Applications (start-up phase) BaBar CDF+D0 (SAM) ATLAS/LHCb CMS (ALICE) UKQCD £17m 3-year project funded by PPARC CERN - LCG (start-up phase) funding for staff and hardware... £3.78m £5.67m £3.66m £1.99m £1.88m CERN DataGrid Tier - 1/A Applications Operations

14 Overview of SAM

15 Spitfire - Security Mechanism Servlet Container SSLServletSocketFactory TrustManager Security Servlet Does user specify role? Map role to connection id Authorization Module HTTP + SSL Request + client certificate Yes Role Trusted CAs Is certificate signed by a trusted CA? No Has certificate been revoked? Revoked Certs repository Find default No Role repository Role ok? Connection mappings Translator Servlet RDBMS Request a connection ID Connection Pool

16 Optor – replica optimiser simulation Simulate prototype Grid Input site policies and experiment data files. Introduce replication algorithm: –Files are always replicated to the local storage. –If necessary oldest files are deleted. –Even a basic replication algorithm significantly reduces network traffic and program running times. New economics-based algorithms under investigation

17 Prototypes Tools: Java Analysis Studio over TCP/IP Instantaneous CPU Usage Scalable Architecture Individual Node Info. real world... simulated World… simulated World…

18 Glasgow Investment in Computing Infrastructure Long tradition Significant Dept. Investment £100,000 refurbishment (just completed) Long term commitment (LHC era ~ 15 years) Strong System Management Team – underpinning role New Grid Data Management Group – fundamental to Grid Development ATLAS/CDF/LHCb software Alliances with Glasgow Computing Science, Edinburgh, IBM.

19 Summary (to be updated..) Grids are (already) becoming a reality Mutual Interest ScotGRID Example Glasgow emphasis on –DataGrid Core Development –Grid Data Management –CERN+UK lead –Multidisciplinary Approach –University + Regional Basis –Applications ATLAS, CDF, LHCb –Large distributed databases – a common problem=challenge – CDF LHC – – Genes Proteins Detector for ALICE experiment Detector for LHCb experiment ScotGRID

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