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Girvan Academy, Physics Dept. Standard Grade Physics Girvan Academy.

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Presentation on theme: "Girvan Academy, Physics Dept. Standard Grade Physics Girvan Academy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Girvan Academy, Physics Dept. Standard Grade Physics Girvan Academy

2 Why study Physics ? Physics is amazing & beautiful Physics teaches you to think Physics gives you an appreciation of the world around you. Physics is extremely useful when you leave school Physics is FUN !!

3 More on Why study Physics !! Physics is very useful when you leave school because employers know …... Physics is difficult so you must have studies hard You must be good at understanding complicated ideas You must be good at problem solving Lots of jobs use physics….. Radiographers, astronomers, geologists, pilots, medical researchers weather forecasters, satellite and television engineers, electricians car mechanics, electronic engineers and …………...…many, many more

4 WOW !! Physicists have discovered, invented and been involved in……….. Television sets Computers CD players CAT scanners Satellites Fibre-Optic communications DVD players The search for Extra-terrestial life The motor carAircraft and Radar How to make electricity Fibre-Optics in medicine Infra-Red cameras The light bulb Video Recorders Digital Cameras Rockets

5 Girvan Academy, Physics Dept. SGrade Physics Telecommunications Using Electricity Electronics Health Physics Transport Energy matters Space Physics

6 Telecommunications Waves Radio Television Fibre Optics Satellites Go to main menu

7 Using Electricity Current, Voltage and Resistance Voltage Dividers Electromagnetism Electricity in the Home Go to main menu

8 Electronics Analogue and Digital Systems ( Input > Process > Output) Voltage Dividers as Input devices Logic Gates Counters and Displays Go to main menu

9 Health Physics Temperature The Eye and Lenses Radiation Go to main menu

10 Transport Speed Acceleration v-t graphs Forces and Newton’s Laws Work, Energy and Power Go to main menu

11 Energy Matters Sources of Energy Heat Transformers Generating Electricity Go to main menu

12 Space Physics Galaxies, stars, planets and Moons Gravity Projectiles Space travel Go to main menu

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