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1 Modeling and Simulating Business Processes Chapter 8 Business Process Modeling, Simulation and Design.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Modeling and Simulating Business Processes Chapter 8 Business Process Modeling, Simulation and Design."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Modeling and Simulating Business Processes Chapter 8 Business Process Modeling, Simulation and Design

2 2 Simulating Business Processes We recommend presenting this chapter by running Extend 6.0 directly, and interactively show how the program works. However, for your convenience, we have attached a selection of the figures/screenshots from Chapter 8 of the book as the basis for an in class presentation without access to a computer with Extend installed. NOTE:

3 3 Import block dialog showing and exponential inter- arrival times with mean of 6 minutes Generating Items

4 4 Input Data block used to change the first parameter of the inter-arrival time distribution in the Import block Generating Items

5 5 Input Data block dialog for dry cleaner example Generating Items

6 6 Program block (and dialog window) connected to a Stack block Generating Items

7 7 Selection of a priority queue in the Queue tab of a Stack block Prioritizing Items

8 8 Model of a single server with a queue, where customers balk if the line reaches a specified number of customers Balking

9 9 Dialog window of the Decision(2) block Balking

10 10 Model of a single server with a queue, where customers hang up after being on hold for specified amount of time Reneging

11 11 Stack block to simulate a reneging queue with reneging time of 5 minutes Reneging

12 12 Admissions process with a priority queue that allows patients to go in front of the line after filling out additional forms Priority Queues

13 13 Dialog window of the Stack block Priority Queues

14 14 Example of probabilistic routing of an incoming job Path 1 Path 2 Path 3 0.20 0.30 0.50 Incoming job Routing - Multiple Paths

15 15 Illustration of probabilistic routing with Extend Multiple Paths

16 16 Illustration of tactical routing with customers choosing the shortest line Multiple Paths

17 17 Prepare invoice Assemble order Receive orderShip order Parallel activities in an order fulfillment process Routing – Parallel Paths

18 18 Operation, Reverse block and dialog window Parallel Paths

19 19 Operation block that batches two items Parallel Paths

20 20 Extend model of the order fulfillment process Parallel Paths

21 21 Slider control Processing Time

22 22 Input Data block to model variable processing time Processing Time

23 23 Processing time based on the value of the “ProcTime” attribute Processing Time

24 24 Batch block and dialog window Batching

25 25 Preserving uniqueness when batching a purchase order and an agent Batching

26 26 Unbatching items with an Unbatch block Batching

27 27 Model that batches patients and nurses Batching – Resources

28 28 Cost tab of the Import block Activity-based Costing

29 29 Model to accumulate cost per unpacked crate Activity-based Costing

30 30 Dialog of the Cost by Item block Activity-based Costing

31 31 Two operations in series with a Timer block to measure cycle time Cycle Time Analysis

32 32 Histogram of cycle times and average cycle time vs. simulation time Cycle Time Analysis

33 33 Slider control to set the mean value of an Exponential distribution Model Enhancements

34 34 Meter connected to the utilization output of Labor Pool block Model Enhancements

35 35 Clone layer tool Model Enhancements

36 36 Documented software support process Software Engineer Incoming calls Real-time response Software Engineer Incoming e-mails Problems resolved Case: Software Support

37 37 Simulation model of actual process Case: Software Support

38 38 Simulation model of documented process Case: Software Support

39 39 Schematic representation of the hospital admissions process Case: Hospital Admissions

40 40 Extend model of the current admissions process Case: Hospital Admissions

41 41 Arrivals block from the admissions model Case: Hospital Admissions

42 42 Admissions block from the admissions model Case: Hospital Admissions

43 43 Registration and Lab block from the admissions model Case: Hospital Admissions

44 44 Rooms block from the admissions model Case: Hospital Admissions

45 45 Histogram of cycle times for type 1 patients Case: Hospital Admissions

46 46 Extend model of the redesigned admissions process Case: Hospital Admissions

47 47 A BC DE FG Type I Types II & III Measuring cycle times of different types of jobs Exercise 1

48 48 A1B1 A2B2 A3B3 Type 1 C1 C2 C3 Type 2 Type 3 Investigating the effect of pooling resources Exercise 2

49 49 Assessing process performance Exercise 4

50 50 A B CE D F 0.8 0.2 Priority queues Exercise 7

51 51 Flowchart for Exercise 8 Exercise 8

52 52 Flowchart for the X-ray process 1234567 10 11 1289 25% Project: X-ray Process

53 53 2 1 3 4 5 Storage of inbound material Parallel operations (Workstations 1-3) Assembly (Workstation 4) Painting (Workstation 5) Inspection Rework Flowchart of the production process for the Assembly Factory Project: An Assembly Factory

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