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Redesigning administrative processes to improve processes to improve business efficiency business efficiency Lisa Campbell Administrative Assistant Process.

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Presentation on theme: "Redesigning administrative processes to improve processes to improve business efficiency business efficiency Lisa Campbell Administrative Assistant Process."— Presentation transcript:

1 Redesigning administrative processes to improve processes to improve business efficiency business efficiency Lisa Campbell Administrative Assistant Process Reviewed: Internment Bookings May 2012 Continuous Improvement ©

2 Pine Lodge Cemetery Business Practices Process to be reviewedPriority Class Booking ProcessMAJOR - Adult InternmentMajor  - Adult Internment (Pre-reserved)Minor  - Infant InternmentMinor  - Ashes InternmentMajor  - ReservationMinor  FinancialMAJOR - Invoice ProcessMajor *Ashes  *Interment  *Pre-reserved internment  *Reservation  - CPI increase on feesModerate  - End of financial year processModerate  - Itemised invoicing auto generationModerate  General AdministrativeMAJOR - System maintenance / upgradesMajor  - Historic recordsModerate  - Business Continuity / Disaster RecoveryExtreme  - Regulation adherenceMajor  ©

3 © Review Approach Select the team Define opportunities and desired outcomes Study the current situation Analyse the cause Develop a theory PLAN Implement the improvement DO Standardise the improvement Future Plans ACT / ADJUST Study the results STUDY  Based on “Deming Circle” or “Shewhart Cycle”  Four-step management method  Each step broken down into individual tasks  Associated tools

4 PLAN StepPromptsPotential ToolsComments 1. Select the team1a. Who should be involved?Systems view Leader Process owner Users “Fresh eyes” Trust Secretary Admin Officer Branch Admin Assistant 2. Operationally define the opportunity for improvement 2a. Consult the process owner(s)Operational Definition Branch Manager Trust Secretary Time efficiency Better utilisation of resources Reduction of double handling information Eliminate unnecessary processes Eliminate potential for errors 3. Study the current situation 3a. What is the current policy, process flow and/or state of relationships? Top down flow chartCurrently writing same information 6 separate times and in 6 various locations. Creating unnecessary hardcopy documents rather than utilising electronic files. Cemeteries & Crematoria Act Policies / guidelines governed by CCAV Public Records Office Victoria See next slide ©

5 © Original Process

6 PLAN StepPromptsPotential ToolsComments 3b. Who is the process or relationship serving?Look at systems view Stakeholders Funeral Directors Customers/Community Staff/Outdoor crew 3c. What do they want?Perception Analysis Community Consultation Efficiency Professionalism Accurate/accessible information Best practice / easily understood process 3d. What indicators can we use to measure improvement? Moments of truth Time management Elimination of errors Better utilisation of resources Eliminate double handling of information No questioning of process – eg. “what does this mean?” ©

7 PLAN StepPromptsPotential ToolsComments 3e. Compliance with legislative requirements / policy / regulations Business Continuity Privacy Act Cemeteries & Crematoria Act 2003 Council’s hard copy reduction policy Customer Service Charter Equal Opportunity Act Public Records Office Victoria Public Records Act 3f. Risk ManagementBusiness Continuity Inconsistent information Clear streamlined process eliminates potential errors Inaccurate data entry Refer to Council’s Information Services Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery policy/procedure 4. Analyse the causes 4a. What are the possible causes of variation and poor performance? Affinity Diagram Fishbone Diagram Interrelationship Diagram Roadblocks – people not liking change ©

8 19 various steps just to complete a booking Time Entering same data into 8 different locations Creating unnecessary hardcopy records Get lost in the process Took 40 minutes to complete one booking Human error – too many opportunities for inconsistent information Misplaced hardcopy documents File build-up Takes too long to sift through to find a document Reduce the amount of steps Reduce time Eliminate multiple data entry points Automate steps where possible Better utilise systems and resources ©

9 PLAN StepPromptsPotential ToolsComments 4b. What is the root underlying cause? Multiple data entry points Fear of making mistakes Out of date processes which don’t align with available resources 5. Develop a theory for improvement 5a. Is the level of service appropriate?Benchmarking, Networking, Surveys, Deployment Flowchart No benchmark equivalent due to too many variables (i.e. Class A or B; 25 years or Perpetual; Council owned and operated or Trust organised) Refer to process flow chart and question the pro’s and con’s of each step. 5c. What are the potential actions we could take?Consider use of technology No longer need to keep manual register Make better use of existing software and technology If I can generate documents in Pathway, documents TRIMed automatically via system integration ©

10 PLAN StepPromptsPotential ToolsComments 5d. What is our action plan to implement improvement? Gant chart Training Marketing / Promoting Investigate what can and cannot be changed What does and doesn’t currently work Change management Cease use of the manual register Organise pathway training for unfamiliar staff Carry out extensive testing in Test Environment Cross reference relative legislations for compliance 5e. How are we going to measure improvements?Efficiency – budget/time Customer Service – perception Buy in - Adherence Time to complete booking process Ease and confidence of process Accurate records ©

11 © Place hard copy invoice in folder Send a copy of invoice to debtor

12 ©

13 Multiple functionalities Integrated with Electronic Document Management System Both software's already widely used across organisation Used as a register Centralised Name & Address Register (NAR) Ability to generate documents Complies with necessary legislative requirements and governing bodies (Public Records Office of Victoria User friendly Test environments ©

14 ©

15 ©

16 DO StepPromptsPotential ToolsComments 6. Implement the improvement 6a. Are we capturing data as we goCheck sheet Survey instrument Sampling Implementing new system into Test Environment first. If and when successful, will turn over to live environment. Check list in hard copy diary All documents being transferred to TRIM successfully Document merge fields generated successfully STUDY StepPromptsPotential ToolsComments 7. Study the results 7a. To what extent did our actions lead to improvement? Run chart Histogram Control chart Significant improvement in the time it takes to complete a booking. Reduced time from approx. 40 mins down to approx. 10 mins Reduced length of process Reduced multiple data entry points Reduced double handling of information ©

17 © Original Process Amount of time to complete ONE standard burial booking

18 © Improved Process Amount of time to complete ONE standard booking

19 ACT StepPromptsPotential ToolsComments 8. Standardise the improvement 8a. What documentation is required to capture the memory and support the improvement? Deployment flowchart Policies Process procedure and flowcharts Templates Records Management 8b. Who needs to be trained and coached to adopt the new process? Trust Secretary Admin Officer Training performed by Branch Administration Assistant, IT staff and Records Management Staff 9. Establish a future plan 9a. When should the process be reviewed again?E.g. Councillors term of office Process to be reviewed in 3 months for minor adjustments (if required) and every 12 months thereafter Process will need to be adjusted as a result of changes to relevant legislations ©

20 Redesigning administrative processes to improve business efficiency ©

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