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1 Working Group on Space-Based Lidar Winds; Sedona Feb. 2005 IWAKE instrumentation systems for on-board wake vortex and other hazards detection, warning,

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Presentation on theme: "1 Working Group on Space-Based Lidar Winds; Sedona Feb. 2005 IWAKE instrumentation systems for on-board wake vortex and other hazards detection, warning,"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Working Group on Space-Based Lidar Winds; Sedona Feb. 2005 IWAKE instrumentation systems for on-board wake vortex and other hazards detection, warning, and avoidance S. Rahm, DLR Thales Avionics (F, coordinator) data unit Airbus Deutschland GmbH (D)simulator DLR (D) lidar (CTI) + long range data unit NLR (NL) aircraft + simulation University of Hamburg (D) 2  m laser development LISA Laser (D)2  m laser development Université catholique de Louvainsignal processing Fraunhofer IOF of Jena (D) scanner start : 01/05/02; end : 31/04/05; Contract no.: G4RD-CT-2002-007788

2 2 Working Group on Space-Based Lidar Winds; Sedona Feb. 2005 IWAKE: NLR Cessna with “Bubble” and scan geometry

3 3 Working Group on Space-Based Lidar Winds; Sedona Feb. 2005 Scanning range: 3° vertical x 12° horizontal; 75 horizontal lines Center of scan : 9° to the right und 9° to the ground with respect to aircraft axis Duration of one scan: 5 s / pattern + 1 s flyback => 66 ms / line with approx. 33 shots @ 500 Hz PRF Scan Pattern

4 4 Working Group on Space-Based Lidar Winds; Sedona Feb. 2005 IWAKE instrument (DLR part with IOF scanner) lidar + cooling data rack

5 5 Working Group on Space-Based Lidar Winds; Sedona Feb. 2005 Installation in NLR Cessna

6 6 Working Group on Space-Based Lidar Winds; Sedona Feb. 2005 Inside Cessna Citation

7 7 Working Group on Space-Based Lidar Winds; Sedona Feb. 2005 “Scanner Bubble”

8 8 Working Group on Space-Based Lidar Winds; Sedona Feb. 2005 Flights in the area of Toulouse:  June, 22: LTA wake vortex flight  June, 23: long range wind  June, 25: LTA wake vortex flight

9 9 Working Group on Space-Based Lidar Winds; Sedona Feb. 2005 LTA wake vortex measurements 25/06/2004 The wake vortex is moving from the right to the left side blue at the LOS plot and green/yellow at the spectral width

10 10 Working Group on Space-Based Lidar Winds; Sedona Feb. 2005 LOS detection field 2120 2000 1880 1760 1640 1520 1400 1280 1160 1040 920 800 Range [m] LTA wake vortex measurements 25/06/2004 preliminary results from UCL TELE (Belgium)

11 11 Working Group on Space-Based Lidar Winds; Sedona Feb. 2005 Long range measurements 23/06/2004 LOS wind speed (top)+ difference between range gates (bottom)

12 12 Working Group on Space-Based Lidar Winds; Sedona Feb. 2005 Long range measurements 23/06/2004 (zoom)

13 13 Working Group on Space-Based Lidar Winds; Sedona Feb. 2005 Long range measurements 23/06/2004 correlation at different range gates

14 14 Working Group on Space-Based Lidar Winds; Sedona Feb. 2005 Conclusion - IWAKE demonstrated axial detectability of wake vortices - Clear air turbulence: Correlation between turbulence and acceleration needs exact LOS along flight track Groundbased + airborne A380 wake vortex measurements planned at DLR for this year (other project).

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