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Teams 2 on 2 OR 1 on 1  Each team needs a sheet of paper.  At the top of your team’s paper make a “score board” EX.  Each team will keep score on.

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Presentation on theme: "Teams 2 on 2 OR 1 on 1  Each team needs a sheet of paper.  At the top of your team’s paper make a “score board” EX.  Each team will keep score on."— Presentation transcript:


2 Teams 2 on 2 OR 1 on 1

3  Each team needs a sheet of paper.  At the top of your team’s paper make a “score board” EX.  Each team will keep score on their paper.  Once the game begins, your team will answer each question on your paper below the score board. Team ATeam B IIIIIII

4  Teams will be answering all questions at the same time.  After the question is read your team will have 15 seconds to write the answer on your paper. (You only have to write the correct letter)  Once the time is up each time will reveal their answers.

5  If your team gets the answer correct you earn one point.  If your team does not answer the question correctly you do not earn any points.  Each team can earn points on every question.

6  You can never lose points.  Keep track of both teams scores on your paper.  Good luck!

7 When a lake has high turbidity, that means: A) the water has lots of particles in it B) the water is very clear C) the water is very basic D) the water can support many organisms.

8 Residents noticed a large number of dead fish in Cedar Creek. The problem was traced to a local gas station where a tank of oil was leaking. This is an example of A) point source pollution B) thermal pollution C) non-point source pollution D) a Dissolved Oxygen problem

9 How does high water temperatures reduce water quality for aquatic organisms? A. lowers pH B. lowers dissolved oxygen C. raises pH D. raises turbidity

10 Every time it rains fertilizers run off into the nearby rivers. By the end of the summer the nitrate levels and algae blooms are very high. What type of pollution is this? A. point source pollution B. non-point source pollution C. neutral pollution D. It is not pollution. Algae is good.

11 Why is chlorine added to drinking water? A. chlorine improves the taste of water B. chlorine soften hard water C. chlorine kills disease-causing microorganisms D. chlorine prevents water from becoming cloudy.

12 What kind of pollution could cause low pH in lake water? A. acid rain B. thermal pollution C. nutrient run-off D. leakage from septic systems

13 What is one way that dams affect living things in a river? A. dams supply water for irrigation B. dams give salmon and other fish room to swim farther C. dams send extra nutrients farther down the river D. dams prevent fish from traveling to the place where they lay their eggs.

14 Fish are considered to be bio-indicators of a water system because they A. consume only plants. B. are not affected by the health of the water. C. are sensitive to changes in the water. D. are nonliving water quality monitors.

15 How does a drain field in a septic system help to clean wastewater? A. it collects & holds solid wastes B. it breaks down solid wastes C. it filters wastewater D. it moves wastewater into a holding tank

16 2 nd Quarter

17 The process of obtaining fresh water from salt water is called desalination

18 The amount of one substance in a certain volume of another substance is its concentration

19 Pollutant such as oil, salt or sediment would be found in ______________ runoff road

20 Pesticides are most likely to be found in runoff from farm fields

21 The type of water pollution that is caused by smoke and exhaust is acid rain

22 The pH of water is a measure of its acidity

23 The semi-solid material left from the industrial sewage treatment process is called sludge

24 Pure water is neutral, meaning it is neither an acid nor a base. Pure water has a pH of 7

25 Homes not connected to a municipal waste water treatment facility dispose of their wastes using a septic system

26 There is more dissolved oxygen in _______ water. cold

27 Surface water that does not soak in, but slides down the surface, due to an impermeable surface is called Runoff

28 3 rd Quarter

29 Answer: Point or Nonpoint Pollution that comes from a wide range of sources.

30 Answer: Point or Nonpoint High levels of fertilizers were found in a local river. Individuals are assuming they came from local golf courses, homes, and farms.

31 Answer: Point or Nonpoint There is an area near a local lake where individuals are constantly illegally dumping (tires, oil, trash, etc.)

32 Answer: Point or Nonpoint A landfill is polluting the wells of the houses surrounding it.

33 Answer: Point or Nonpoint The factory is allowed to dispose of a set amount of industrial waste into the local water system.

34 Answer: Point or Nonpoint An oil tanker exploded and began leaking oil into the ocean.

35 4 th Quarter

36 What types of water does the Clean Water Act set water quality standards for? A. drinking water B. ocean water C. surface water D. all US waters

37 Which of these examples is a water-conservation technique that also reduces water pollution? A. factories making printing inks with water instead of chemical solvents B. farmers using fewer pesticides on farm fields. C. factories reusing cooling water instead of returning it to a river D. farmers planting fields of coarse grain that filter out pollutants

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