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K EYSTONE S PECIES - L EACHING Crystal Suggs Dr. Simpson APES 17 April 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "K EYSTONE S PECIES - L EACHING Crystal Suggs Dr. Simpson APES 17 April 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 K EYSTONE S PECIES - L EACHING Crystal Suggs Dr. Simpson APES 17 April 2012

2 K EYSTONE S PECIES A species that is far more important in its community than its relative abundance might suggest APPLICATION A sea otter is a keystone species

3 K INETIC E NERGY The energy of motion APPLICATION Kinetic energy is used when riding a bike up a hill

4 K YOTO P ROTOCOL An international agreement to reduce global emissions of greenhouse gases from all industrialized countries to 5.2 percent below their 1990 levels by 2012. APPLICATION Methane and carbon are greenhouse gases that are mentioned in the Kyoto Protocol.

5 L ACEY A CT A U.S. act that prohibits interstate shipping of an illegally harvested plants and animals APPLICATION The Lacey Act protects forests.

6 L ATENT H EAT R ELEASE The release of energy when water vapor in the atmosphere condenses into liquid water. APPLICATION This is important because when the water vapor in the atmosphere condenses, the air will become warmer and this warm air will rise

7 L AW OF C ONSERVATION OF M ATTER A law of nature stating that matter cannot be created or destroyed. APPLICATION When paper is burned, it may seem to vanish but no atoms are lost; the carbon and hydrogen that make up the paper combine with oxygen in the air to produce carbon dioxide and water vapor.

8 LD50 The lethal dose of a chemical that kills 50 percent of the individuals in a dose-response study. APPLICATION This helps compare the harmful effects of different chemicals

9 L EACH F IELD A component of a septic system, make up of underground pipes laid out below the surface of the ground. APPLICATION The pipes in the leach field contain small perforations so the water can slowly seep out and spread.

10 L EACHATE Liquid that contains elevate levels of pollutants as a result of having passed through municipal solid waste (MSW) or contaminated soil. APPLICATION Leachate contains toxic chemicals that harm the environment.

11 L EACHING The transportation of dissolved molecules through the soil via groundwater. APPLICATION The leached nitrates eventually settle in the bottom sediments of oceans, lakes, and swamps.

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