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IPG2P Working Group Update. iPG2P Final deliverable: – Procedure allowing an investigator to begin with trait of interest in species possessing limited.

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Presentation on theme: "IPG2P Working Group Update. iPG2P Final deliverable: – Procedure allowing an investigator to begin with trait of interest in species possessing limited."— Presentation transcript:

1 iPG2P Working Group Update

2 iPG2P Final deliverable: – Procedure allowing an investigator to begin with trait of interest in species possessing limited genetic resources and progress toward ability to predict trait scores for known genotypes in given, non-constant environments Identifying cross-cutting biological use cases to be addressed by working groups – Ex: develop informatics tools to reveal regulatory networks underlying photosynthetic differentiation in C3 and C4 plants 5 working groups

3 iPG2P Working Groups NextGen Sequencing – Establishing an informatics pipeline that will allow the plant community to process NextGen sequence data Statistical Inference – Developing a platform using advanced computational approaches to statistically link genotype to phenotype Modeling Tools – Developing a framework to support tools for the construction, simulation and analysis of computational models of plant function at various scales of resolution and fidelity Visual Analytics – Generating, adapting, and integrating visualization tools capable of displaying diverse types of data from laboratory, field, in silico analyses and simulations Data Integration – Investigating and applying methods for describing and unifying data sets into virtual systems that support iPG2P activities

4 User inferred Seq data Expression data Metabolic data Whole plant data Environment data Visualization DI Experiment Modeling and Statistical Inference Hypothesis User inferred Visualization Super-user Developer

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