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Providing Assistance Via a Non-Profit Kim Trella, CT DEP NEWMOA, 9/28/05.

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Presentation on theme: "Providing Assistance Via a Non-Profit Kim Trella, CT DEP NEWMOA, 9/28/05."— Presentation transcript:

1 Providing Assistance Via a Non-Profit Kim Trella, CT DEP NEWMOA, 9/28/05

2 What you may learn Why a Non-Profit? CT Green Building Council example Benefits to CT DEP and Partners Hints on providing assistance using a non-profit

3 Why a Non-Profit? If the goal is education, the 501(c)3 status makes the role clear Lobbying is not allowed Activities support a named goal Provides a neutral place for business, utilities, and government to meet

4 Why a Non-Profit? Can serve mutual benefit for different groups Focuses the attention on the goal of education Requires participants to not be “selling services”

5 Why a Non-Profit? Let’s the public know that profit-taking is not the goal Keeps the focus on actions that achieve the desired result

6 CT Green Building Council EXAMPLE Formed in 2002 as a 501(c)3 CT DEP was a partner at the first discussions on if a CT group should be formed to promote green building

7 CT Green Building Council Collaboration of State Agencies, Utilities, Businesses Brings the Wealth of Diversity to the Table What One group is just learning about – probably one of the others already knows

8 Benefits of Partnering Expertise of Professionals working in their respective fields Ask them what is working – what isn’t Use their talents – increase your own Changes Agency role from “teacher” to “support staff”

9 CTGBC Progress In 2001, when CTGBC was initiated – there were no LEED buildings in CT

10 CTGBC Progress In 2005, there are 17 LEED-registered buildings – those completed: Mark Twain Museum Visitor Center Pfizer Clinical Research facility State college buildings (5) 3 dorms, 2 classroom/labs

11 Benefits to CT DEP Green buildings are listed as one of the recommendations in the CT Climate Change Action Plan Meeting Climate Change goals

12 Benefits to CT DEP Agency presence at events promoting green buildings, e.g., Mark Twain Museum Center opening – gave a CT DEP Green Circle award in addition to a CTGBC award Commissioner McCarthy spoke at the HP schools group first meeting

13 Benefits to CT DEP Assisting with campaigns that are funded through grants not originating at CT DEP (additional resources) Example – High Performance Schools Initiative – to promote construction of HP schools – CTBGC grant funded

14 Benefits to CT DEP Use of current private sector information and presentations Have most up-to-date information readily available

15 What does a Building look like?

16 Clearview Elementary School, Hanover, PA Blanchard Hall, Mount Holyoke College Environmental Studies Center, Oberlin College 3 rd Creek Elementary School, Statesville, NC

17 How does work?

18 LEED TM Categories »Sustainable Sites »Water Efficiency »Energy and Atmosphere »Materials and Resources »Indoor Environmental Quality »Innovation and Design Process


20 What are typical Strategies and Technologies?

21 LEED TM Sustainable Sites Credit 4: Alternate Transportation Credit 6: Stormwater Management

22 LEED TM Water Efficiency Credit 1: Water Efficient Landscaping Credit 2: Innovative Wastewater Technologies Credit 3: Water Use Reduction

23 Benefits to CT DEP CT DEP is building a new beach pavilion Unable to contract for “green” due to higher cost – is working with a contractor who is not familiar with green products An alternate roofing spec was allowed for the back-up bid

24 Benefits to CT DEP Lead-coated copper suggested by non- green contractor One e-mail to the CTGBC had two alternatives (without lead) with sources and price in half an hour

25 Benefits to Partners CT DEP is seen as a neutral third party by many – so an endorsement of “green buildings” means more than an endorsement from someone who is trying to sell you services

26 Assistance Via A Non-Profit Listen to Others about their needs Seek partners with similar goals Join forces Get out of the Regulatory mode Look for ways to assist the private sector - let them lead the way

27 Assistance Via A Non-Profit Non-profits offer flexibility not usually available in government Focus on a mutual goal reduces the “politics” With existing funding constraints, is another way to continue providing assistance

28 Assistance Via a Non-Profit Providing assistance and support to the efforts of the private sector moves their “ownership” of environmental stewardship to a higher level The more they “own” – the better stewards they will be

29 What you may have learned Why a Non-Profit? CTGBC example Benefits to CT DEP and Partners Hints on providing assistance via a non-profit

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