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Construction 2 BTNC-ILA ISDM Group 3. Agenda Diagram Risk Testing Progress Next Plan Demo.

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Presentation on theme: "Construction 2 BTNC-ILA ISDM Group 3. Agenda Diagram Risk Testing Progress Next Plan Demo."— Presentation transcript:

1 Construction 2 BTNC-ILA ISDM Group 3

2 Agenda Diagram Risk Testing Progress Next Plan Demo


4 BTNC-ILA 7 7 9 9 4 4 Use Cases Diagram

5 BTNC-ILA Package Diagram

6 BTNC-ILA Class Diagram

7 BTNC-ILA Architectural Mechanisms ClassMechanism(s) RoleSecurity TaskPersistency EnvelopePersistency PosPersistency

8 BTNC-ILA 7 7 9 9 4 4 Use Cases Diagram

9 UC-04 View Daily Schedule Collaboration Diagram

10 UC-04 View Daily Schedule Class Diagram

11 UC-04 View Daily Schedule Sequence Diagram

12 BTNC-ILA 7 7 9 9 4 4 Use Cases Diagram

13 UC-07 Submit Delivery Status Collaboration Diagram

14 UC-07 Submit Delivery Status Class Diagram

15 UC-07 Submit Delivery Status Sequence Diagram

16 BTNC-ILA 7 7 9 9 4 4 Use Cases Diagram

17 UC-09 Login Collaboration Diagram

18 UC-09 Login Class Diagram

19 UC-09 Login Sequence Diagram

20 BTNC Subsystem +GetTasks () : Task[] +UpdateTaskStatus (Task[]) +Login(username,password) : Role

21 BTNC Subsystem Class Diagram

22 BTNC Subsystem GetTasks Sequence Diagram

23 BTNC Subsystem UpdateTaskStatus Sequence Diagram

24 BTNC Subsystem Login Sequence Diagram

25 Traffy Subsystem +GetTrafficCongestion (TraffyLink[]) : TraffyLink[]

26 Traffy Subsystem Class Diagram

27 Traffy Subsystem GetTrafficCongestion Sequence Diagram

28 Database Subsystem +QueryTasks () : Task[] +StoreTasks (Task[])

29 Database Subsystem Class Diagram

30 Database Subsystem QueryTasks Sequence Diagram

31 Database Subsystem StoreTasks Sequence Diagram


33 Risk Matrix C1 C2 Risk No. RISK at Elaboration Phase IPo (%)I 1 If there is lack of experience in developing android, then the project likely to be delay or fails C30%C45% 2 If Traffy Service is down then no real time traffic information available to system and driver. Mi20%Mi20% 3If BTNC System down then system cannot get scheduling plan S20%S10% 4 If Real BTNC information not matched with simulation data, then it not compatible to integrate with the system. N0%N 5 If there is unavailability of Internet connection, then real time traffic information and scheduling will not be available S40%S30% 6 If there is uncertain ability of algorithm for calculation of route plan then the schedule will not optimal. C50%C40% 7 If there is electric shutdown in BTNC and/or Traffy, then the system won't get any information. Mo8%Mo8% 8 Because of small Software Development Team and lack of experience, the chance of incompletion of the project. Mo30%Mo40% 9If the Project time frame and deadline is not suitable, then the project can be delay Mo40%Mo40% 10If there is unavailability of real-time testing, then the chances of bugs. Mi30%Mi30%

34 Risk Matrix 100 50 0 I1I2E1E2 C1C2C3 Critical Less experience about Android programming Project will be delay or fail Self learning and practice Po% Iteration 30% 45%

35 Risk Matrix 100 50 0 I1I2E1E2 C1C2C3 Critical How to best fit the algorithm to compute route Result may not be satisfied Build own algorithm according to problem domain Po% Iteration 50% 40%


37 Test cases UC-04 Test case idUCTest case nameTest case description BTNC-ILA-TC 01 UC-09Login TestIdentify user to the system BTNC-ILA-TC 02 UC-09Login TestUnidentified user BTNC-ILA-TC 03 UC-09Login TestIncorrect username/password more than 3 times BTNC-ILA-TC 04 UC-09Close applicationApplication close properly BTNC-ILA-TC 05 UC-09No internet connection Before display Login page system will check for Internet connection BTNC-ILA-TC 06 UC-04View daily schedule List of schedule plans display correctly Prerequisite: identify user from the Login BTNC-ILA-TC 07 UC-04View daily schedule Schedule plan without Traffic congestion information Prerequisite: identify user from the Login BTNC-ILA-TC 08 UC-04View daily schedule Schedule plan cannot compute Prerequisite: identify user from the Login BTNC-ILA-TC 09 UC-04View daily schedule Select plan Prerequisite: at schedule page BTNC-ILA-TC 10 UC-04View daily schedule View POS details Prerequisite: select plan from the list BTNC-ILA-TC 11 UC-04View daily schedule Reschedule Prerequisite: Submit task status BTNC-ILA-TC 12 UC-07Submit delivery status Submit task status Prerequisite: identification BTNC-ILA-TC 13 UC-07Submit delivery status Unable to submit task to BTNC system Prerequisite: identification


39 Iteration Assessment TaskStatus Implementation  Design dynamic view of main use cases and sub-system 80% complete  Coding60% complete  GUI design20% complete Testing  Define test cases for main use cases 85% complete  Perform actual test0% complete


41 Next Iteration Plan Implementation Continue and complete mentioned use cases Complete GUI design and evaluation Documentation Generate user guide for the application Complete and update documentation as needed Testing Unit tests, test cases Perform actual test



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