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Eureka Stockade December 3 rd,1854. The Eureka Stockade occurred in Ballarat, Victoria, during the early years of the Australian gold rush. In the event,

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Presentation on theme: "Eureka Stockade December 3 rd,1854. The Eureka Stockade occurred in Ballarat, Victoria, during the early years of the Australian gold rush. In the event,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Eureka Stockade December 3 rd,1854

2 The Eureka Stockade occurred in Ballarat, Victoria, during the early years of the Australian gold rush. In the event, the gold miners rebelled against the miner's licence, which cost a monthly fee of 30 shillings and allowed the holder to work a meagre 3.6 metre square "claim". Licences had to be paid whether or not a digger found any gold. There were frequent licence hunts, during which the miners were ordered to produce proof of their licences, and this increased the sense of unrest.

3 Read the link below and reflect on why Australia’s only rebellion ended in disaster.

4 Watch the videos below to help you imagine what happened back in 1854

5 Think about this rebellion you have just learnt about. What are the parallels with the novel “Bootleg”. List the similarities. Are there any differences? Use the Multimedia rubric and research checklist to guide you to prepare and present a PowerPoint on Tiananmen Square. Think about all three uprisings and find a common thread? Similarities Differences Eureka Stockade Bootleg

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