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Banking on the Future Cs-banking on the future. Introduction Describe a situation where you were unjustly treated, or experienced an unjust situation.

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Presentation on theme: "Banking on the Future Cs-banking on the future. Introduction Describe a situation where you were unjustly treated, or experienced an unjust situation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Banking on the Future Cs-banking on the future

2 Introduction Describe a situation where you were unjustly treated, or experienced an unjust situation. How did you feel? What thoughts went through your mind?

3 Juan Carlos had always been a calm person and a hard worker. From a very young age, he had been interested in banks. For that reason Juan Carlos had studied Business Administration at university. Since graduating at 22 years of age, he began working at one of the most important banks in Columbia. Juan Carlos started as a cashier and now, nearing 40 years of age, he had risen to the position of Bank Branch Manager.

4 Throughout his career, Juan Carlos had been praised by his superiors because he had always reached the institutional goals of the bank. While his salary was not high, Juan Carlos had enjoyed certain benefits throughout the years. Economic stability was the most important thing to him. In a country with a permanent economic crisis, Juan Carlos could not dream of more advancement. Three years ago he had purchased an apartment with a loan from the same bank.

5 Remarkably, things changed overnight for Juan Carlos! The national government had established a series of labour laws that, in Juan Carlos’ opinion, were unjust because they monetarily benefited the big companies at the expense of the stability of their employees. As a result of changes in the employment laws, any company can produce “reasons for the good of the company” as a sufficient ground to dismiss as many of its employees as it wants.

6 This law directly works against people like Juan Carlos who have had increasing benefits with their years of service. These employees could be exchanged for younger ones at one-third the cost to the company. In a country with a high level of unemployment, it is really easy to find cheap unskilled labourers.

7 Juan Carlos received his boss’ call on the same day he returned from his vacation. He knew that the call did not mean good news. Mr. Sanchez told him that for “reasons…” the Bank was firing him. Mr. Sanchez knew that Juan Carlos was a committed Christian, and concluded that because of that, if Juan Carlos were dismissed there would be little risk of a “whistle-blowing” trial that could damage the image of the Bank.

8 For that reason, Mr. Sanchez made the following offer: “Juan Carlos you have been a good employee and we want to rehire you for the same position. Regrettably, we cannot offer you the same salary (1/3 less) and you will lose the benefits you have won during these 18 years in the Bank.” Mr. Sanchez told Juan Carlos that he had one day to think about it, and encouraged him to accept the offer.

9 Juan Carlos was devastated. He left the office without knowing how to tell his wife about what had happened. Why did these people fire him as he was just finishing his vacation? Why so little respect for his personhood? How will he finish paying for the apartment? How will he continue paying for his children’s education? These were the questions that came to his mind with great anguish. He knew that it would be almost impossible to find another job.

10 His dilemma was similar to hundreds and thousands like him in the city. The competition was so difficult and he was too old to be looking for other employment. Juan Carlos also realized how important the job was for his personal esteem. He felt he was a nobody and that he was not worth anything now.

11 His wife Claudia was surprised to see him at home early. When she received the news she cried disconsolately. Her brother had been fired last year and up to now he had not found another job. She also knew about her children’s classmates that had been taken out of school because of their parents’ lingering unemployment. When she heard about the Bank’s offer, Claudia didn’t hesitate to tell Juan Carlos that he must respond “yes” immediately.

12 However, Juan Carlos continued to be full of doubts. He remained the whole day locked in their room thinking and looking for answers. He had read in the Bible that the slaves should be obedient and loyal to their masters (Ephesians 6:5-9). Should he be considered a grateful and submissive “slave”? Some months ago a dear church friend was also fired from his work. Juan Carlos remembered his friend telling him that there is no hope of finding dignity and justice while here on earth.

13 Rather, we should be as Lazarus that found his recompense in heaven (Luke 16). Reclined on their bed, he began to pray. He asked the Lord if he should simply accept the offer, resigning himself to being treated unjustly. Claudia had told him that they should thank God for the new opportunity which many of her friends have not had. What would happen if he decided to fight in court? Can a Christian carry out public protests? With these questions in mind, Juan Carlos tried to pray again.

14 Juan Carlos had been awake the whole night pondering his decision. Given the tremendous economic crisis of his native Columbia, Juan Carlos did not have the luxury of losing this opportunity. On the other hand, who, if not him, should stand for justice?

15 Discussion Groups 1. Do we regard injustice to self the same as injustice to others (turn the other cheek; Paul’s argument that he would rather be defrauded) 2. Is the master-slave relationship a paradigm, of employer-employee? 3. When do you engage – standing up and protest? 4. Are there God-given rights? (the only place in Scripture where rights is used is John 1:12)

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