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Spaces Of Difference – Group Planning Presentation Sandra Evans Michelle Cook Lorraine Jim Alec McPhee.

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Presentation on theme: "Spaces Of Difference – Group Planning Presentation Sandra Evans Michelle Cook Lorraine Jim Alec McPhee."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spaces Of Difference – Group Planning Presentation Sandra Evans Michelle Cook Lorraine Jim Alec McPhee

2 Community Small country town Close farming community Not many recreational facilities No public transport 30km’s from nearest large regional centre Asset rich /cash poor community

3 School 76 students Principal started 5 years ago at the school Principal respected among community members Three other teachers – all long term All community members Town hall provides the ‘hub’ for the community School is dated but maintained The school requires family involvement Students will have to travel for secondary school

4 The 10 Students Alice Trouble grasping concepts Quiet and friendly Kinaesthetic learner Likes animals Does not contribute in discussions Sierra Clingy, needs reassurance Low socio-economic background High standards, pressure on self Frustration and embarrassment when not meeting her own expectations

5 The 10 Students Sarah Shy Will contribute in discussion Visual/likes drawing and art Need prompting Bianca Dominant and confident Capable and intelligent Good team leader

6 The 10 Students Jade Emphatic and peacemaker Interested music and guitar Average academically Dan Sporty/loves PE Average academically Strives to be leader but not good at it. Not good at listening/instructions

7 The 10 Students Johnno Likes motorbikes/cars Popular Disruptive/ring leader Centre of attention Naturally intelligent Doesn’t apply himself to activities Bored Easily Frank Follows Johnny – eggs him on Only Child – single mother Slow academically Likes video games, IT

8 The 10 Students Will & Jay Twins English second language, speak Mandarin Born in Australia No extra support given Jay English not good Struggles academically because of language barrier Brother helps him communicate Hard to interact with peers/not many friends Gets angry and frustrated Will Good at drawing and math Grasps English language Intelligent Fits in with peers Happy to help brother with his struggles

9 The Task: Design a Game Design a game that all students in this class and other classes can play and participate in.

10 Description of Rich Task To engage students in the variety of games available in the past & present. Students will actively investigate the processes of how games are designed & design their own game. Students will be need to be creative & use investigative thought patterns.

11 Product, display & presentation Students will design & construct their own games. There will be a ‘games afternoon’ with parents & grandparents invited. Instructions & details of games to be uploaded to school website & games with their instructions to be placed around the school so all school students can participate in them.


13 Targeted Repertoires of Practice PHYSICAL FITNESS Appreciating different forms of cultural expression Coordinating body movement Explaining to others orally Monitoring physical fitness Recalling/remembering a sequence Respecting the dignity of others Taking, collating and making sense of directions/rules Working cooperative to achieve a common goal.

14 Targeted Repertoires of Practice cont… DESIGN, MAKE AND DISPLAY A PRODUCT Applying a theoretical model to a real situation Conceptualising and creating an original design Displaying detailed information in visual forms (instructions, diagrams) Identifying shapes and symbols Recognising available options and making choices according to predetermined criteria Understanding and applying design principles Using the techniques and skills of construction and model-making Visualising outcomes.

15 Accomodating Students


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