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NJHS 2011-2012. NJHS Website 0 Instead of monthly meetings, we will be communicating with you through the NJHS website. It is your responsibility to check.

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Presentation on theme: "NJHS 2011-2012. NJHS Website 0 Instead of monthly meetings, we will be communicating with you through the NJHS website. It is your responsibility to check."— Presentation transcript:

1 NJHS 2011-2012

2 NJHS Website 0 Instead of monthly meetings, we will be communicating with you through the NJHS website. It is your responsibility to check this website each Monday for announcements and information!!!

3 Stampede Meeting Dates 0 You will meet with your committee during stampede on the times chosen by the committee leader. Check the NJHS website for these meeting times.

4 Probation / Dismissal 0 Grades 0 Checked every 3 weeks 0 Must maintain a 90 average or better – NO ROUNDING 0 1 st drop below 90 – probation 0 2 nd consecutive drop below 90 – dismissal 0 Missed Meetings 0 2 nd unexcused absence/semester – probation 0 3 rd unexcused absence/semester – dismissal 0 Conduct 0 Office referrals are reviewed on a case by case basis 0 Mrs. Ray & Mr. Bland can skip probation if warranted 0 Dismissal hearing will be held before conduct dismissal is issued

5 T-shirts 0 I am working on the price 0 Orders must be prepaid 0 Orders forms will be on the NJHS website when information has been received. 0 Order forms will be available outside Mrs. Ray’s room (904) and Mr. Bland’s room (704) beginning next week

6 EXPECTATIONS 0 Community Service 0 20 hours for the year 0 10 per semester 0 Hour log can be printed from NJHS website 0 Opportunities can be found on the website as well

7 Food bagging 0 This is a MANDATORY community service project 0 2-4 pm @ First United Methodist Church - Grapevine 0 We will have 2 dates during the year 0 Fall dates: 11/04 0 If you plan on attending this date, please email Ray at

8 GES Fall Carnival 0 Grapevine Elementary School Carnival * Saturday, November 3th 1:00-4:00 * Sign up for at least a 2 hr shift *12:30 - 2:30 * 2:30 - 4:30 or both * Assigned on a first come, first serve basis * Will try to honor booth requests,. * Contact Information: * Please state your name, shift choice, and cell#.

9 Committees – each member is required to participate on a committee 0 Monthly Activity 0 Help plan teacher appreciation & school spirit events 0 Food Drive 0 Thanksgiving food drive for GRACE 0 Pasta for Pennies 0 Spring fundraiser for Leukemia & Lymphoma Society 0 Induction 0 Plan & set up for spring induction ceremony

10 Committee Sign Ups 0 Procedure: 0 Go to the committee chairman of your choice 0 Take a committee slip 0 Fill out the information 0 Return to Mrs. Ray or Mr. Bland – You must turn your slip in before leaving. This is how we are taking attendance! 0 Watch the website for further details

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