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Mentoring and Induction of New Teachers (MINT) CHICAGO PUBLIC SCHOOLS CPS Teachers Academy for Professional Development Diane H. Zendejas, Director The.

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2 Mentoring and Induction of New Teachers (MINT) CHICAGO PUBLIC SCHOOLS CPS Teachers Academy for Professional Development Diane H. Zendejas, Director The MINT Program Mentoring and Induction of New Teachers

3 Mentoring and Induction of New Teachers PRESENTERS Dr. Martha Hebert Chicago Public Schools, Teachers Academy for Professional Development Dr. Steve Tozer University of Illinois at Chicago, College of Education Dr. Allen Bearden Chicago Teachers Union Quest Center

4 Mentoring and Induction of New Teachers MINT is an induction program with on-site mentor support for teachers new to the Chicago Public Schools.

5 Mentoring and Induction of New Teachers (MINT) Special Features – MINT is…… a collaboration with the University of Illinois College of Education and the Chicago Teachers Union Quest Center.  a program partially supported by the MacArthur Foundation and the McDougal Family Foundation.

6 Mentoring and Induction of New Teachers (MINT) The Chicago Board of Education demonstrated that induction and mentoring of new teachers is a high system priority by passing a board report policy titled, Adopt a Policy for New Teacher Induction, 00-1025- PO1, which requires that new teachers participate in the induction program and that they receive on-site mentor support.

7 Mentoring and Induction of New Teachers (MINT) GOALS  Enhanced student achievement  Increased retention rate of qualified new teachers  Development of highly effective teachers through structured inquiry into exemplary teaching practices

8 Revisions in MINT Program Changes in the MINT program for the 2001-2002 school year honor the professionalism of teachers and align with best-practice professional development. The National Staff Development Council states that staff development must be:  Results-Driven  Standards-Based  Job-Embedded

9 National Staff Development Council According to NSDC, professional development standards should be guided by the following questions:  What are students expected to know and be able to do?  What must teachers know and be able to do in order to ensure student success?  Where must staff development focus to meet both goals?

10 Illinois Professional Teaching Standards §Content Knowledge §Human Development and Learning §Diversity §Planning for Instruction §Learning Environment §Instructional Delivery §Communication §Assessment §Collaborative Relationships §Reflection §Professional Conduct

11 MINT Program Components  First-Year New Teacher Induction  Mentor Support of First-Year New Teachers  Mentor Teacher Inservices  Teachers New to CPS Induction  Second-Year Teacher Inservices  Principal Inservices  Comprehensive Program Evaluation

12 First-Year New Teachers (Teachers new to the teaching profession) 30 clock-Hours of Induction Combination of 3 Forms of Contact  Cluster Inservices (9 clock-hours)  Observations (6 clock hours)  Mentor/Mentee Interactions (15 clock hours)

13 Mentor Selection New teachers will have input regarding the selection of their mentor.  Principal’s Role  New Teacher’s Role  Prospective Mentor’s Role

14 Mentor Inservices Mentors learn about: Adult learning strategies Observation techniques Coaching procedures Inservice of mentors is crucial to the success of the MINT program.

15 Teachers New to CPS Teachers new to CPS with one year or more of fulltime teaching experience outside of CPS will participate in MINT as follows: 15 Clock Hours of Induction Combination of 2 Forms of Contact  Cluster Inservices (6 clock-hours)  Certification Process Reflection (9 clock hours) No formal mentor will be assigned. An informal “buddy” system is suggested.

16 Second-Year Teachers  Required for new teachers hired after October 27, 1999.  Focuses on reflective professional portfolio development  Further develops Illinois Professional Teaching Standards (IPTS)  Models components of the National Board of Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS)

17 Second-Year Teachers  Second-year teachers will not be assigned a formal mentor.  Teachers new to CPS with prior teaching experience at time of hire to CPS will not participate in second-year MINT.

18 Region Liaisons Region liaisons will -  be available to assist individual schools to implement the MINT program.  make visits to offer peer coaching support to new teachers and to mentors.

19 Accountability  Mentor Activity Log  Verification Cards  Online Sign-in Capabilities (Future)  Program Evaluation

20 Ways in Which Principals Can Support MINT  Select mentor(s) who possess the qualities outlined by the mentor standards  Provide release time for mentors to attend all of the mentor preparation inservices  Facilitate opportunities for mentors and new teachers to observe each other “in action”  Facilitate time for mentors and new teachers to meet

21 More Ways in Which Principals Can Support MINT  Ensure that new teachers are attending the required inservice sessions  Become familiar with the information and materials provided to new teachers  Involve the total school in support of the new teachers and the MINT process  Update MINT information as needed

22 “To Do” List  Disseminate information on MINT to staff  Carry out the mentor selection process – Pair mentors and first-year new teachers  Complete the New Hire Information Form and return by September 21, 2001  Follow the checklist for implementation of the MINT program.

23 Benefits of the MINT Program Accomplishment of initial goals--  Enhanced student achievement  Retention of qualified teachers  Reflective teacher practitioners

24 Benefits of MINT to Your School MINT can be a powerful strategy for improving the instruction and learning process in the entire school.  Development of a reflective professional growth community among total school staff  Models of good teaching available to all in the school  Connections among staff focused on common goals of best practice in teaching

25 CPS Teachers Academy for Professional Development Diane H. Zendejas, Director 553-6050 The MINT Program Dr. Martha M. Hebert, Manager 553-6070 Mrs. Valerie Davis, 553-6073 Ms. Susan Mink, 553-6074

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