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Mentoring Program for ACT December 2007. What is mentoring? Why should you participate? TWA Mentoring Program How to participate? How does it work? More.

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Presentation on theme: "Mentoring Program for ACT December 2007. What is mentoring? Why should you participate? TWA Mentoring Program How to participate? How does it work? More."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mentoring Program for ACT December 2007

2 What is mentoring? Why should you participate? TWA Mentoring Program How to participate? How does it work? More Information Topics

3 What is Mentoring? Mentorship is a relationship in which a person with greater experience, knowledge and insight willingly and openly shares, guides and encourages another person in their efforts toward self-development.

4 Why should you participate? Have an ally to help you think through challenges and opportunities Benefit from another person’s experiences Open networks that would otherwise be closed Help with career progression planning Practice for being a good mentor to someone else one day

5 TWA Mentoring Program ACT worked with TWA and the Diversity Office to make the program available to its members. –Instant access to 50+ mentors –Proven matching process via web-based application –Low cost $36 annually –More information at:

6 How to participate? Women –Join TWA and get free access to the Mentoring Program, along with other TWA benefits –Orientation Package will be sent to you by TWA Mentoring Program coordinator Men –Submit fee payment to John Delacuadra –Orientation Package will be sent by Pinyo Bhulipongsanon

7 How does it work? Log in to Mentor Scout Complete your profile Search for mentor Request mentorship After you receive the orientation package Mentor agreed? NO Set up initial meeting Begin mentoring relationship Complete mentoring relationship YES  It is the mentee’s responsibility to initiate the first meeting (see next slide)

8 Setting the Stage: The Initial Meeting Potential discussion topics: –Share personal career experiences –Career strategies –Current issues that are important to you –Events that have an impact on your group, company or industry –Unwritten rules of success and politics –Gender issues and perspectives –Critical success and derailment factors –Current projects Close by agreeing if this is a good match for an on-going relationship and decide next steps

9 More Information For more information please contact –Pinyo Bhulipongsanon at You can also find help at: – html html –Or contact Patricia Hill Botao Kocz Megan Thompson Anahita Williamson

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