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Peer mentoring The Roundabout activity is a method of peer mentoring It will enable you to experience a mutual mentoring activity and assess the benefits.

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Presentation on theme: "Peer mentoring The Roundabout activity is a method of peer mentoring It will enable you to experience a mutual mentoring activity and assess the benefits."— Presentation transcript:

1 Peer mentoring The Roundabout activity is a method of peer mentoring It will enable you to experience a mutual mentoring activity and assess the benefits Peer mentoring activity

2 Roundabout method Uses the metaphor of a roundabout to open up the imagination and the possibilities of a situation Engages the right side of the brain to produce insights that may not occur through normal conversation, which uses logical left side

3 Roundabout activity – Process In pairs, take turns to draw and talk about your roundabout – 15 mins each way Think about your own career development or shorter term job situation Imagine standing in the middle of a roundabout island Draw a number of possible road exits (opportunities) available to you. Include motorways, A and B roads, straight and bendy. Partner watches and listens as you talk through Roads may be known or risky and unknown; following intuition rather than practicality; a life- long ambition

4 Roundabout activity – Process cont. Through discussion with partners, explore each road/exit. Partner listens and asks questions to encourage further reflection What are the positives and negatives of each? What is your gut reaction to each? Identify routes you don’t want to follow and why Develop further the routes you wish to follow Identify at least one action to follow up

5 Or think about a problem you have - the road exits are the range of possible options open to you to solve the problem or issue

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