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By Charlie Stawicki Fact and photos from

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1 By Charlie Stawicki Fact and photos from

2 Where is my biome found MMy biome is found in North America and South America

3 What are Grasslands like? NNot Big open spaces  m many bushes TTrees are found only near rivers SSoil is very good for growing

4 Grassland Animals Bison PPrimary grazers are Bison herds BBison live in herds of several thousand that’s a huge number! NNorth America and in grasslands

5 Grassland Animals Black Rhino TThe male rhino can be 91/2 feet tall at shoulders TThey live alone, except for mothers and young IIts upper lip is pointed and moveable WWhich helps it to eat leaves, buds, and shoots of small trees and bushes. FFound in African grasslands

6 Example of a Grassland Plant Sweet Cone flower IIt can grow to a height of 6 feet if planted in moist soil!

7 Climate  Grasslands get up to 30 inches of rain a year

8 Summary TThe Black Rhinos upper lip is pointed and moveable which helps it eat leaves buds and shoots of trees and bushes GGRASSLANDS GET 30 inches of rain per year SSweet Cone Flower can be six feet tall

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