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 1) Louis 16 th & Marie Antoinette  2) The Estate system  3) The American Revolution  4) Bankruptcy  5) Famine, Harvest Crisis  6) Enlightenment.

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Presentation on theme: " 1) Louis 16 th & Marie Antoinette  2) The Estate system  3) The American Revolution  4) Bankruptcy  5) Famine, Harvest Crisis  6) Enlightenment."— Presentation transcript:

1  1) Louis 16 th & Marie Antoinette  2) The Estate system  3) The American Revolution  4) Bankruptcy  5) Famine, Harvest Crisis  6) Enlightenment

2  The People of France were divided into 3 Estates  The First Estate was the clergy  Approximately 100,000 people  The Second Estate was the Nobility  Approximately 400,000 people  The Nobles had almost complete authority over the peasants Both estates:  Collected tolls for usage of the roads, markets, mills, ovens and winepresses  Were not required to do Military Service  Did not have to pay taxes and most of them lived in great luxury in chateaux and palaces Note: Several attempts were made to tax the nobility, but Louis was to weak to implement it

3  Approx. 97% of the Population (27 million)  Forced to do military service  Forced to pay taxes and tolls to the King, Nobility and Clergy – economically crushing  Denied important positions in the government and Army (can’t move through the ranks)  Not all the third estate were peasants – many in France were educated – doctors, lawyers, merchants, middle class workers - shared the same fate as the country folk

4 Bankruptcy: -France had been involved in many costly wars during the reigns of Louis the 14 th, 15 th and 16 th -They had recently fought in the American Revolution and the seven years war -They sent soldiers, naval vessels and money to support he both wars -At the same time; the King and the nobility were spending enormous amounts on luxury

5  American Revolution:  The success of the American revolution proved that democracy could work and that common people could rise to power  It acted as a model  French troops fought beside Americans in the Revolution (witnessed the American victory)

6  This was the spark that set off the firestorm (tipping point)  Very few fruits and vegetables were being produced by France’s farms  The price of produce, especially wheat and bread were very high  Despite the crisis, taxes continued to rise to combat the national debt

7 Opening Stages of the French Revolution

8  In 1788, Louis 16 th called the Estates General  A gathering of Representatives of all three estates  Had not been done since 1615 because this symbolized the failure of the current government  The meeting took place in May 1789 in the palace if Versailles  During the year long preparation, the representatives of each estate were chosen  As part of tradition, the representatives were asked to draft complaints or grievences (cahiers de doleances) ------------------------   Why was this important?  This was the first time most people got a chance to express themselves  A lot of anger and frustration was openly discussed for the first time

9  He wrote; What is the Third Estate?- Political pamphlet  Abbe Emmanuel Joseph Sieyes in January 1789, in response to the calling of the Estates General  What does it say? What is the Third Estate? Everything. What has it been until now in the political order? Nothing. What does it ask? To become something.  He believed that the 3 rd estate is was a complete nation and that the other 2 estates are simply “Dead Weight”  Also suggested that the Estates General should be restructured. (Wants to emphasize the numerical superiority of the 3 rd estates)

10  When the meeting was called, all three estates were frustrated as Louis had no agenda or proposals for discussion (incompetent)  That being said, he brought a large contingent of troops to the meeting – seen by some as an attempt to intimidate (not a good choice)  There were 600 representatives of the 3 rd estates, 300 representatives of the 2 nd estate and 300 representatives of the 1 st estate but they voted by estate, not by numbers (not fair)

11  Injustice (Taxes, labour, conscription)  Whether they should Vote by Estate or vote all together  The 3 rd Estate wanted each representative to get a vote but the others insisted on the current system where each estate gets a vote  Knowing that all there proposals would be defeated, the 3 rd estates decides to act

12  The openly declare themselves a NATIONAL ASSEMBLY  They claimed that since they represent 97% of the population, they are a true parliament  They wanted to create a constitutional monarchy (boundaries of a constitution, whether written or unwritten similar to England) Non-political monarch  When they take a break, King louis locks the doors!

13  The representatives of the 3 rd estate wander into an indoor tennis court  They promise to continue to meet until France has a constitution Who is?

14  The Third estate was fuelled by starvation and the dismissal of France’s Minister of Economics (who was asking for a revision of France’s tax system), a mob formed  Louis Reacts:  He sends troops into Paris to calm the people  This was perceived as tyranny (Ancien Regime)  Violence breaks out:  Members of the Paris Guards joined the people  The stormed a military outpost and stole thousands of muskets, however, they had no powder or shot  They turned to the Bastille, a political prison and symbol of Royal authority  They fight though the Prison defences (including cannon fire), break in, free the prisoners, murder the guards and place their heads on Pikes. They also murder mayor of France

15  Louis hears of what is happening in Paris  He believes that he is losing control of the people and the Army  He also believes that this was partially caused by the removal of the 3 rd estate from the Estates General  In desperation, the King decides to recognized the representatives of the 3 rd Estate as a national assembly, and grants them political power  Orders the first two estates to join the third  The first stage of the French Revolution is over! The National Assembly is partially in charge



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19  Name one thing you learned  Exit cards: Write down what you think I should do differently

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