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Write the word and chemical equation for the reaction of water and sodium.

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2 Write the word and chemical equation for the reaction of water and sodium.

3 Metals L.O.:  Explain some uses of iron, copper, silver and gold


5 Iron: cheapest and most widely used metal Steel: an alloy of iron containing carbon and other elements. Alloy: a mixture of a metal with other elements.

6 Why is copper(Cu) used for plumbing and electrical wiring? Malleable, ductile, conductor, corrosion

7 What about silver?

8 Silver and silver alloys are used for printed circuit boards and electrical contacts.

9 Metals L.O.:  Explain some uses of iron, copper, silver and gold

10 Atomic number and mass number L.O:  Explain what atoms are made of.  Be able to calculate the number or electrons, protons and neutrons of an atom.

11 What are atoms made of? –Protons –Neutrons –Electrons

12 Atomic structure Atomic Structure

13 C 6 Atomic number =Proton number = electron number 12 Relative atomic mass = nucleon number = protons + neutons Carbon name

14 Mass Number Calculate the mass number of the atoms shown. AtomProtonsNeutronsMass Number Helium22 Copper2935 Cobalt2732 Iodine5374 Germanium3241 4 64 59 127 73 MASS NUMBER = Number of protons + number of neutrons Activity

15 How Many Neutrons Calculate the number of neutrons in these atoms. AtomMass Number Atomic Number Number of Neutrons Helium42 Fluorine199 Strontium8838 Zirconium9140 Uranium23892 Number of Neutrons = mass number - atomic number 2 10 50 51 146 Activity

16 How Many Electrons Fill in the blank columns AtomProtonsNeutronsElectronsAtomic number Mass Number Boron56 Potassium1920 Chromium2428 Mercury80121 Argon1822 5511 19 39 24 52 80 201 18 40 Note – atomic number is defined as the number of protons rather than electrons because atoms can lose (or gain) electrons but do not normally lose protons Activity

17 The salt formers L.O.:  Explain how the reactivity of the halogens changes as you descend the group  Explain the displacement reactions of the halogens with solution of other halides.  Higher: explain the use of –ide an –ate in chemical names.

18 How would you make table salt?

19 Group 7 – The Halogens Group 7

20 Displacement reactions

21 KBr + Cl 2 clip

22 Displacement reactions with bromine

23 Displacement Equations Potassium Bromide and Chlorine: 2KBr + Cl 2  2KCl + Br 2 Potassium Iodide and Chlorine: 2KI + Cl 2  2KCl + I 2 Potassium Iodide and Bromine: 2KI + Br 2  2KBr + I 2

24 Displacement reactions: summary The reactions between solutions of halogens and metal halides (salts) can be summarised in a table: 2KCl + I 2 2KBr + I 2 halogen chlorine bromine iodine salt (aq) potassium chloride potassium iodide potassium bromide 2KCl + Br 2 no reaction

25 The Modern Periodic table L.O.:  Explain how the elements fit into groups in the periodic table.  Assess the importance of the periodic table.


27 During the nineteenth century, chemists began to put the elements into groups according to similarities in their physical and chemical properties. The end result of these studies was our modern periodic table.

28 Dmitri Mendeleev 1834 - 1907 In 1869 he published a table of the elements organized by increasing atomic mass.

29 stated that if the atomic weight of an element caused it to be placed in the wrong group, then the weight must be wrong! He even corrected the atomic masses of Be, In, and U Mendeleev...

30 was so confident in his table that he used it to predict the physical properties of three elements that were yet unknown! S M A R T Y P A N T S ! !

31 After the discovery of these unknown elements between 1874 and 1885, and the fact that Mendeleev’s predictions for Sc, Ga, and Ge were amazingly close to the actual values, his table was generally accepted.

32 The modern periodic table is arranged in order of increasing atomic number.

33 B B B

34 A c d

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